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Samsung Reaches Settlement With Employees Stricken With Leukemia.

sassygirl3869 9 Nov 24
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The older CRT(Cathode Ray Tubes) on the large,original computer monitors,had(I think) flyback transformers,so I wonder at the EMI(Electro Magnetic Induction fields) when they were operating?

Mike1947 Level 7 Nov 24, 2018

Makes me wonder what it was that caused me to have leukemia a while back now. I assumed ti ws radiation,form Xrays, flying, and the old CRT TVs and computer monitors. However, I also worked for a while in a cop[uiter store repairing and building desktops.

snytiger6 Level 9 Nov 24, 2018

Leukemia survivor 5 years now. My daughter blames Diet Pepsi. I think it was all the cigarette smokers around me.

@sassygirl3869 Well, I don't like to drink carbonated drinks... and I have always avoided smokers whenever possible.

It has been just over 5 years since they have been able to detect any leukemia cells in my system, but only close to three years since I discontinued the drug (Tasigna). I stayed on teh drugs as long as i could stand the cumulative side effects, because the longer I was on them the less chance it would reoccur. So far, so good.

Solvents,glues,adhesives,maybe ionization radiation,and your immune system strength?

@snytiger6 I was on Gleevec-used for Chronic Leukemia -I had AML -acute myloid-10% survival rate. Too any side effects-dropped 3 years well as oxycodone. Medical Cannabis works for me now.

@Mike1947 I also have an autoimmune disorder (Panniculitis). It didn't really flare up though until I started having symptoms form the leukemia... about five or six yeas before I was diagnosed.

It was actually an ophthalmologist who made the original preliminary diagnosis. My white count was above 180,000, and she sttn me to the emergency room, where they confirmed the counts and the diagnosis. It took them almost twelve hours to decide if I was chronic or accute. Evidently my counts were high enough for acute, but still borderline. I think because I was not in any pain when admitted, and one of ht edoctors needed someone to add to a drug study to gather additiona data on a drug which was already approved and beign used, and that was the only way I'd be able to afford to be treated, they went with chronic.

People would be amazed at how many medical decisions in the U.S. are made3 in terms of what kind of insurance coverage a person has and what they can afford. In my case ti worked out. I think to this day i still hold the record for fastest recovery at OHSU (Oregon Science and Health Universtiy hospital). In less than two months everything tested normal in every category..

Back at the eye clinic my case has become a bit of urban legend. The interns have heard the story, bu until I come in and they see the charts, they are a bit dubious about the story. I am supposed to have my eyes checked periodically because i also have Stargardt's Disease, which is a rare form of macular degeneration. It is sometimes referred to as "Juvenile Macular Degeneration". I find going in for eye check ups to be mostly pointless, as there is nothing they can do, so I dont' go in as often as I am supposed to. Ir's been over 2 years, so I guess i should go back in for a check up. Probably will schedule it after new Years.

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Posted by TheoryNumber3A shoutout to my amazing doctors, nurses and techs at Northwest Community Hospital !! Thank you all SO much!!

Posted by sassygirl3869Sorry I haven't been around-I've been living again. Survivor since October 3, 2012!!!!!!

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