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How alcohol consumption alters our DNA and can increase risks of cancer.

sassygirl3869 9 Mar 5
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I’ve never had a drink of alcohol or smoked a cigarette in my entire life, but at 40 years old I still got cancer... LIFE increases the risk, everything else is just coincidental correlation in my opinion. ?

Jenelle Level 6 Mar 5, 2019

I never smoked cigarettes but had AML -acute myloid leukemia. 2nd hand smoke probably

@Curt3900 kidney cancer for me, but smoking and alcohol are major “risk factors”. ?


Like all things consumed, the key is moderation.

Petter Level 9 Mar 5, 2019

wherever i travelled in the world i had wine or something stronger with meals & never once got food poisoning while on some occasions other people eating the same food did.
i've cut back my consumption a lot b/c of my heart condition but still enjoy a shot of good whiskey & a craft beer daily.
W. Churchill was fond of brandy & made to his mid 90s.

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