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Why is uterine cancer on the rise?

sassygirl3869 9 June 25
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I wondered if I got uterine cancer form all the infertility drugs I took. Many are off label use. For instance, one that I took during IVF was a palliative care treatment for men dying of prostate cancer--so likely had not been tested for its affects on women!

Carin Level 8 July 7, 2019

Wow, fascinating article! I just found out my cancer is endometreoid.

Not too surprising that cancer rates are higher in the south--most of those states have high rates obesity and tobacco use, high infant and maternal mortality rates, & poor education including lack of knowledge about nutrition. I just escaped Mississippi where grocery store employees didn't even know what tofu and pomegranates were. It was hard to exercise there too--no sidewalks,few parks or playgrounds, no school recess, hot and humid in the summer, and given the low wages and high unemployment and underemployment, gym memberships might not be an option for many.

Carin Level 8 July 7, 2019

I understand your frustration. I thought my leukemia may have been caused by Round-up weed killer which my Tru-Green vendor used on my lawn over 10 years ago. Unfortunately only one form of leukemia counts as of now.Who knows what time and research will come up with?


All cancer is


Could be the increase of chemicals in our diets

bobwjr Level 10 June 25, 2019

There are also estrogen mimicking chemicals in air fresheners, lotions, shampoos, plastic cups, bottles and dishes, and other things we expose ourselves to.

@Carin yup part of the picture

@bobwjr Also the reason for lower sperm counts in men over the last couple generations....

@Carin lactating hormone in milk unless organic


Seems like all cancers are on the rise. You never heard about this stuff 50 years ago. I really believe that our bodies weren't meant to tolerate the onslaught of chemicals in our food, air, water, clothing, etc.


I wonder how much it has to do with healthcare - or lack there of? I know there is no exam/test for uterine cancer but the statistics show southern black women are at the highest risk - (not saying all, but) based on the geographic info given you would have to wonder also about income. Lower income usually correlates to less healthcare. Less healthcare would result in less chances of catching it early. Hence the higher statistics.

Heidi68 Level 8 June 25, 2019

You are right about the health care, and in these states Planned Parenthood is being ruthlessly attacked even though for many, many young women it is the only time they see a doctor.

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