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Need some wood worker and glue advice:

My venerable old wooden cutting board, the 1 inch thick one, with feet fell of the counter and broke in half. Cursing and wailing ensued. It is my favorite cutting board for serious chopping. Now, I think I should be able to glue it back together, but how?

Spinliesel 9 June 30
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Do you have access to some good clamps? I've used the regular white carpenter's glue for many things, I just don't know if it is food safe.


Get the old glue off the edge without further damaging the cutting board. Once this is done get some titebond 2 or 3. Get some thin good rope, something that will allow you to put some force on it. Tie the rope loosely around the board, first without the glue applied, to see if the fit is good and also to allow you some practice. For the next step. Get a stick place it should that you can twist it around so the rope tightens, get the rope as tight as you can, well don't strain yourself, watch to see the the cutting board is flat while under pressure, if needed put something under the other side than the twisted rope side, make sure the joint is tight. If the joint is not tight you can scrape the proud surface in the contact space to make the fit better. Once everything looks good and you think you know what you are doing, put glue onto both surfaces of the cutting board and use the process to get the pieces together. Leave it together overnight. Should not break again at this joint. Good luck and don't freak out as you can always wipe the joint clean and start over. Should go back together. To get the squeezed glue off you can wipe it off after the board is held together or wait until everything dries and use a sharp paring knife to scrape the hardened glue. Do not thrust the knife towards any part of your body as stabbing your self hurts and is not recommended.

Thank you, Dale. I am copyinng /pasting your insructions, numbering the steps for ease of following them and will try. I was thinking of sanding the split surfaces lightly to remove any old glue. I will do the project as soon as the temperature goes down to less that 90 deg. We are having a heatwave here in upstate New York. Thanks!
Your remark of not cutting towards myself reminds me of my childhood: my mother was left handed. When she cut bread ( the heavy, German rye bread) she would hold it on her chest and cut , with the left hand towards her body. I can still see my father's face turn white when he said:"Away from the body, Lisbeth, away from the body." She never changed her way of cutting and never cut herself, either. I use cutting boards.


OH NO!!! I hope you are able to repair your cutting board. sad, I know what a good cutting means!!


If you have a Harbor Freight store nearby, you can probably get a cheap set of wood clamps there that will probably last for a couple of uses.

Pen-n-Ink Level 6 June 30, 2018

Here it is. The two parts are set on end.

Spinliesel Level 9 June 30, 2018

@hankster I used to have a husband, but he took all his tool with him.

@hankster I do not have those clamps, but i do have ductape to keep the parts together until the glue is cured.

@Spinliesel you can go get some clamps. They are pretty cheap

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