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Hi, I am a commercial sculptor for theme parks, film, and television., I sculpt for other people and for a living. Some of the items here are shown in foam, Styrofoam or Polyurethane. After I sculpt it, it gets a hard coat finish and a paint job. Here is a small sample of my work.

CaroleKay 8 Apr 16
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That looks like fun, fun!

Thank you, it's very fun.


As a retired commercial sculptor, I have to say your work is as good as any I have seen. I personally prefer to work with polyurethane foam which I started working with in the early 60's, mostly because it is so easy to put a finish layer of fibreglass onto. Unfortunately the range of work available here in Australia was never as great as is you are fortunate enough to have in the US, but it was a very satisfying kind of work. I have enjoyed seeing the range of your work.

Thank you. That is nice to hear. You will have to tell me about your experiences sculpting.


Wow, how cool is that ??? Very impressive work !

Beansdad Level 5 Apr 17, 2018

Thank you!


Really impressive. Wish I had the place for a large dragon, when I win the lottery you will have to make one. Thanks for showing your work.

Thank you for looking, and the nice comment!


You got mad skilz!

Archer Level 7 Apr 16, 2018

Xoxo! Thanks!

I second this.

😘 Xoxo ♥



Thank you!


Amazing work

JoeMastle Level 7 Apr 16, 2018

Thank you!


Gorgeous work!!

Thanks bunches!


Those are amazing! Fabulous job!

Thank you so much!


Way cool!

polyananda Level 5 Apr 16, 2018

Thank you!


You have the coolest lawn ornaments I have ever seen! I know that's not what they are intended to be, but still.... They look like you could sit down and have an actual conversation with them!

citronella Level 7 Apr 16, 2018

Lol! Thank you!



Thank you!


WOW!!! May I ask what the last set of creatures are? The dragon head? Reminds me of Where the Wild Things Are.

Qualia Level 8 Apr 16, 2018

Yes. It is Where the Wild Things Are. I built a mini interactive theme park in San Francisco at the Sony Metreon based on the artwork of Maurice Sendak.


I see a lot of familiar processes here. I did the same thing in Florida. Beautiful work Caroleanne!

skado Level 9 Apr 16, 2018

That's so cool, thank you!


I do a lot of Disney.

CaroleKay Level 8 Apr 16, 2018
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