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I don't know about you, but I've been doing Libertarian victory laps over the last few weeks. People are saying "Libertarianism Is Dead" as they watch their government die from money printing. Here are some thoughts:

  • No one will EVER debate that private property exists. Try going on a socialist's lawn with a cough, and find out how quickly they enforce private borders
  • Guns and ammo went almost as quickly as gold and silver. You can't find precious metals nearly anywhere
  • The first thing the government did was cut red tape to get out of the way of the actual things that needed doing
  • We've been warning about the Fed and money printing for decades. My friends thought I was crazy, telling them the last 2 years to get ready for the greatest economic collapse in the history of human kind. People are finally going to understand what money is again when milk is $30/gallon in the cooler, and $40 by the time you put it on the cash register. Bitcoin and precious metals will win out eventually.
  • Elon Musk just created thousands of ventilators. Others have found a way to make them with 3D printers, but it bumps up against patent law.
  • in a few weeks, we'll all be on our own. government will not be there to save us. We are entering into a very Libertarian world, good and hard, for better or worse.
MagnetarRocks 3 Mar 27
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The ever increasing national debt is slowly destroying our country, and what do the powermongers from both sides of the political aisle want? You guessed it, they want to spend even more money. In the end, I think you'll be right, the Government won't be there to solve the serious problems, we'll all but be on our own to figure things out.


It's going to get real bad, real quick, in how many more years?

yvilletom Level 8 June 30, 2020

Glad I bought a gun and enough ammo before all this shit lol

Janus819 Level 7 Apr 1, 2020

bitcoin, bullion, bullets, buttwipe...investment strategy for 2020


So many people seeming eager for government to expand its influence has me feeling uneasy.

It's going to get real bad, real quick.

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Posted by SpikeTalonI kneel before no one. No gods, no masters, no control freaks. Screw the tyrants from both political extremes, and their agendas.

Posted by SpikeTalonNeither one of the extremes, and yet the best of both worlds...

Posted by SpikeTalonSubstitute the word liberals for progressives, and that would describe me as well. As for the conservative part, the socially/theocratic (aka, bible thumpers, mostly) ones in particular.

Posted by SpikeTalonIndividuality is a dirty word to the authoritarians (both left and right) in the world.

Posted by HLMenckenFanStatist bingo

Posted by HLMenckenFanA quote from famous American libertarian journalist H. L. Mencken on government.

Posted by HLMenckenFanDo any of you own this flag? I do.

Posted by BigMac10Just found this site and am delighted!! I gave up on the Republicans after Nixon and have never looked back.

Posted by jeshueyIt's all a matter of perspective!

Posted by SpikeTalonOne of my favorite Libertarians.

Posted by CommunityTomSaw this craziness as I was scrolling through my Facebook News Feed.

Posted by MagnetarRocksI don't know about you, but I've been doing Libertarian victory laps over the last few weeks.

Posted by LEPeffTonight might be a nice time to listen to 2112. I'll miss you Neil!

Posted by RoboGrahamSwanson is wise.

Posted by OldMetalHeadThis is heartwarming

Posted by LEPeffPeople will claim this is a hoax!

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