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Has your kernel been patched ?

Linux has been bitten by its most high-severity vulnerability in years

Dirty Pipe has the potential to smudge people using Linux and Linux derivitives.


FearlessFly 9 Mar 8
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Oh my


Kernel panic? No-o-o-o-o!!!

I have been running Linux since the 90s, never had one of those. 🙂

@FearlessFly I have seen more than my fair share, though I cannot claim programming expertise beyond a few lines (I'm a system engineer--hardware/software/infrastructure). It seemed most common when the software operating on the OS overwhelmed the system.

@p-nullifidian How many software engineers does it take to change a light bulb ?

. . . we DON'T change light bulbs, that's a hardware problem ! 🙂

@FearlessFly That is so to the point! Over the years in working with multi disciplined teams as a system engineer and program manager, I learned that it was was key that people understood that interfaces were perhaps the most crucial part of the entire project. The interface control documentation was (at times) overlooked by both hardware and software/firmware engineering groups, but it was up to those of us who had system understanding to bridge the gap.


Here are the details from the person who discovered the vulnerability.


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