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Hi Linux members. Here's my story. I have been a Mac dude since.. well, let's just say many decades. But I've become ticked off by Apple's over-priced and poorly made computers. They look good, but they don't last. I'm sick of it. I like Mac OS, but there's no choice of hardware but Apple. So, I've decided to become a Linux dude. I need a new computer, and I'm exploring that now. I tried to put various versions of Linux on an old Toshiba laptop, but it's too old. I'm reading and watching stuff on Linux now, getting the knowledge I need. Once I set my mind to something..Anyway, once I'm hands on, it might be helpful to ask this group. I really like the open source thing, and I hope Linux thrives.


David1955 8 Apr 25
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Generally speaking, I buy Toshibas, HP etc. machines at garage sales often with decent amounts of RAM and hard drives for around $50 and less. Old i7 processor machines about $A150 some years ago. The cheapest was a $AU5 laptop machine without a power box!

FrayedBear Level 9 Apr 25, 2019

My problem is remembering to charge them every so often and not let the batteries die on me.


Hmmm what do you want it for?
I have to confess that I haven't used a computer now for about four years. Everything has been done on Android phones or tablets and it is now rare that I use one of those. Confession I haven't done any recording/editing of late either and that was what I mainly used the computer for plus writing which is handled just as effectively on the Android - I even have open office on the Android.
My top machine is an octacore, 6Gb/128Gb memory but even the Nokia 6 which was the fastest to update to the latest system a few weeks ago runs the OpenOffice.

I found that a Linux is called AVLinux was very good for running netbook type computers with their little footprint and Atom processors. I had the OS loaded onto a 4Gb USB stick to trial run the unknown computers and then if wanted just transfer the system in.

FrayedBear Level 9 Apr 25, 2019

@David1955 Go out this Saturday to the garage sales. You will be amazed at what you find. My $5 machine was thrown in a box without about $50 of peripherals like mice, keyboards, leads, a 21volt transformer for another machine all for $5. People do not know what or how. May be slightly more competitive in Adelaide but I doubt it. The other is the auctions of lease terminated machines. It is years since I went but whole pallets piled four feet high with desktop computers and monitors had difficulty fetching $50 for the pallet.

Writing I do entirely now on the phone. The dictation/voice recognition is incredible compared to the Dragon Naturally Speaking of 25+ years ago.
And if you have stubby fingers, as I recently pointed out with photos elsewhere, a wifi or blue tooth keyboard second hand at a garage sale is no more than $5 and can usually be beaten down to $2 if you are parsimonious - I cannot be bothered.

@David1955 you had better join "Food Glorious Food"!


It's the year of the Linux desktop / laptop... 😉

[] - Serious

[] -Testing/toy

camne Level 7 Apr 25, 2019

The Pine64 is a fascinating machine with interesting bang for the buck. Given that SD cards and USB drives of substantial size can now be bought for next to nothing the need for hard drives becomes questionable. The machine is obviously made from very basic components and probably screens that do not pass optimum rigour in quality control - nor is it a particularly high quality screen. External monitors I'm sure can be added but whether the video card will cope I do not know.
It is certainly a machine that I would heartily recommend to families on a budget needing a school computer. Whether Australian teachers and schools accept Linux yet I don't know.

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Posted by FrayedBearAnyone using Android 12? Are you having problems with the Gmail app no longer working along with the PlayStore?

Posted by ScubaWagsWow, Windows 11 will have tiling windows. No one has ever done that before...

Posted by ScubaWagsThis made me giggle

Posted by OldMetalHeadThis is quite interesting. I knew Ubuntu would be high, but I honestly didn't expect it to be that high.

Posted by ScubaWagsApparently it's penguin awareness day today... I assume that must include Tux

Posted by hrichardson8Hey, I resemble that remark. []

Posted by HiFiGuyHello, everyone! I'm new and I just wanted to say hello and share a little bit about myself.

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