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An anecdote.

I was living in Uganda, in April, 1973, when I decided to have a vasectomy, as no-one knew the possible long-term consequences of being on the pill and women were generally advised to take a break from them every year. So one Sunday, at the sailing club. I remarked to a fellow member, a surgeon, that I would like to be snipped. He said that I appeared to be of stable mentality, had two healthy children and a wife who was in favour of it.
"Leave it to me." He added.
The following Sunday, he told me to report to a small, Catholic church supported hospital. (The main government hospital was so run down that there was no running water and patients had to rely on family or friends to bring them buckets of water.) The mission hospital was simple, but clean and staffed by dedicated, medically trained nuns.
On the appointed day I rolled up and was shown to a room. Half an hour later a nun appeared and asked "Where are these cysts that need removal!"
" I'm here for a vasectomy." I replied, to which came the response "This is a Catholic hospital. You have cysts. Now kindly remove your trousers."
There was no local anaesthetic available, so I was to be given a general anaesthetic in the operating theatre, complete with assistant nurses and an anaesthetist.
The anaesthetic was good-old-fashioned ether. I came to later, burping ether fumes and was still burping the occasional fume two days later! However, I knew nothing about the operation and it was certainly completely painless. The hospital had no dissolvable stitches either, so I had to report back ten days later to have mine removed.
As I lay on the bed, with my jewels exposed, the nun thoroughly disinfected the area. The only disinfectant available was methylated spirit, which is very effective but does sting a bit. However, the excess spirit ran down and into my bum. The resulting burning sensation was worse than the exit effects of even the hottest curry!
The cost? The entire process was the equivalent price of two bottles of beer.

Thus, I can truthfully say that the Pope subsidised my vasectomy. Since both my children are atheists, maybe he didn't want me to produce any more!

Petter 9 Oct 1
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Great story. Did you say hi to Idi?

Krish55 Level 8 Oct 1, 2020

I've had dinner with him, one on one talks with him and narrowly escaped his secret police in 1979 as I made a desperate dash for the border.
So, ...... Yes!


Love how they bypassed the issue.


Question: Did you get a lab test afterward? Are you sure they blocked the vas deferens 100%?

mischl Level 8 Oct 1, 2020

My friend, the surgeon, told me that he took the opportunity to practice all three vasectomy procedures on both jewels. So he bent and clipped the deferens (an easily reversible technique), then he cut and cauterised the vas (sometimes reversible) and then he cut out a length of the vas. (irreversible)
Afterr the operation I used to introduce him as "The only man who has ever had me by the balls"!

@Petter I had to go to a lab and give a semen sample (in order to get the certificate that guaranteed I was sterile). One of my biggest disappointments in life was that the nurses at the clinic didn't extract the sample themselves. They gave me a test tube and a Playboy magazine, and sent me into a private room.

@Petter you’re lucky to have such a thorough friend 😉

@girlwithsmiles His son became an MP. Ever heard of Douglas Carswell?

@Petter cool, I’ve not heard of him, but then I’ve spend most of my adult life in Australia 😉

@girlwithsmiles The most open politician I've known. He broke the expenses scandal. He also left politics when he became unable to help ordinary people.



you survived

Despite Idi Amin's attempt to kill me in 1979!

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