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I am working on a writing and would like better wording, particularly on the last of this phrase: "I am listing several topics for your judicial notice, review or research as necessary, so that the knowledge, understanding and information is at the forefront of your thinking while reading the rest of the writing. "

Any suggestions on how that might be better worded? Thanks

Word 8 Apr 22
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Seek pro bono legal representation.

Then, if you understand meme : do a Google search for "rick joyner prophetic dreams on civil war in America ".

Rick Joyner dreams could be viewed as being associated with the biblical text prophecy of bringing the Masonic lodge secret religion racist devil worshippers to justice for their establushment of the mark of the beast-666 requiring birth certificate, social security number and photo identification for taxation and government control.

Christian prophet scaring Christians into fear of a civil war. My teacher made me touch her p.p. driving innocent people to rage for being wrongfully prosecuted.

Then, IF Christians understood jesus style God is lucipher the devil then, christianity ends, Masonic lodge secret religion racist devil worshippers have their brains bashed in in civil war and then true freedom for everyone on Earth to enjoy their own brick home built by true masons free from mortgage. free from rent. Free from taxation free from governmental terrorism and free from religious oppression.


Post the text of your draft submission here, now.

Mostly all hand written for the "draft" of what is hand written is maybe 4-5 pages hand written. . I don't have computer and eye sight bothers me to spend very much time typing on phone. I did a little typing at library and a little on phone but don't have much transfered. Some parts are not written at all, still just thoughts.

This is all that I have typed:

This list of topics is for your judicial notice for consideration of review and research as necessary in relation to the main text.

  1.  European invastion that started in the year 1492 and the Masonic lodge secret religion racist devil worshiper governmental terrorist freedeom from England July 4,1776 to rape this land from that part of my ancestry that has been here for thousands of years prior.  Take into considerarion the atrocities, genocides, trail of tears and other such things robbing them of the land, the wealth of the land(gold, oil, etc.), the cuilture, heritatge and inherentence calling them such but not limited to Mexican, Indian and native American.  
  2. Court cases and the written filings requesting redress of greviences and other things as written in the the texts and 25 page report added to the Masonic Lodge secret religion devil worship Federal courts: Pool v klu klux klan mansonic lodge governmental organization et. al. Wichita Falls Texas and Pool v Texas et. al. Amarillo Texas. Habeas corpus and other writtings in Childress county courts requesting such things, but not limited to, show cause for Masonic lodge secret religion racist devil worshipper Sheriff Michael Pigg violation of jail standards, after my criminal investigation of organized criminal activity of governmental officials, to then place me in general population having a jailer tell others incarcerated to beat me up.
  3. The phrase “In God We Trust" commonly used in Masonic lodge secret religion racist devil worshipper controlled public buildings, documents (money) and law enforcement vehicles.
  4. The phrase “Administrative law judge made me touch their pee pee.”
  5. The word “meme" as coined and explained by illogical atheist and biologist Richard Dawkins purport to possibly be a living mind virus organism unto itself.
    The word meme itself is a neologism coined by Richard Dawkins, originating from his 1976 book The Selfish Gene.[12] Dawkins's own position is somewhat ambiguous. He welcomed N. K. Humphrey's suggestion that "memes should be considered as living structures, not just metaphorically"[12] and proposed to regard memes as "physically residing in the brain."[13] Although Dawkins said his original intentions had been simpler, he approved Humphrey's opinion and he endorsed Susan Blackmore's 1999 project to give a scientific theory of memes, complete with predictions and empirical support.[14]( quote copied from wikipedia)

European invastion that started in the year 1492 and the Masonic lodge secret religion racist devil worshiper governmental terrorist freedeom from England July 4,1776 to rape this land from that part of my ancestry that has been here for thousands of years prior. Take into considerarion the atrocities, genocides, trail of tears and other such things robbing them of the land, the wealth of the land(gold, oil, etc.), the cuilture, heritatge and inherentence calling them such but not limited to Mexican, Indian and native American.

Here is where I have posted a work in progress. 7 pages of word document.
"Work in progress."


In your submission do not presume to advise the judge how to suck eggs.

Post your submission leaving out personal details.

I am not sure what you mean, but I am sure the things I have written so far would ruffle the Judges feathers so to speak.

No, I have nothing much nice to say to the dishonorable disgrace for true justice of a monkey court capitalism slavery legal system raping this land from those of my ancestry calling them such but not limited to Mexican, indian and native American.

And, that is by no means all I have to say to this judge. The last time I wrote a letter to a Judge he tried punishing me in a cold metal cell naked for 8 days, and I was placed in general population where inmates were told to beat me up. I then left christianity understanding that observation of what is written, Jesus is Angelic lord of host Lucifer the devil. Not about debating truth or fiction, it is just about observation of what is written in biblical text.

I then filled a court case versus klu klux klan Masonic lodge governmental corruption organization et al in federal courts Amarillo TX and Wichita Falls TX..

An issue in my disability claim is part of my disabilities has come from the terrorist acts such as placing me in population, in violation of Jail Standards government rules telling inmates to beat me up.

To this disability judge I am think of phrases like,"I am disabled as my writings indicate in cases versus klu klux klan Masonic lodge governmental corruption organization where inmates were told to beat me up and the other details in that case."

I think I would pose the rhetorical question to this disability Judge "Is your pathetic disgrace for true justice of a monkey court of psychopathic sociopathic terrorist by self established terroristic self sovereignty so oblivious to anything of true justice that you do not think you will face true justice?"

Something along those lines. After I have quoted Masonic lodge secret religion racist devil worshipper Benjamin Franklin's essay "remarks concerning the Savages of north America ".

Just a select section here, not entire essay.

The Indian Men when young are Hunters and Warriors; when old, Counsellors; for all their Government is by Counsel of the Sages;

there is no Force there are no Prisons, no Officers to compel Obedience, or inflict Punishment.—Hence they generally study Oratory; the best Speaker having the most Influence.

The Indian Women till the Ground, dress the Food, nurse and bring up the Children, & preserve & hand down to Posterity the Memory of public Transactions. These Employments of Men and Women are accounted natural & honorable, Having few artificial Wants, they have abundance of Leisure for Improvement by Conversation. Our laborious Manner of Life compar’d with theirs, they esteem slavish & base; and the Learning on which we value ourselves, they regard as frivolous & useless.

Then, do you know anything about the "meme" mind virus as coined and explained by illogical atheist and biologist Richard Dawkins?

Another thing I will use to explain to the judge: If you understand the "meme" then you might could understand starting a meme with the phrase "the administrative law Judge and the teacher made me touch their pee pee".

If you understand this phrase being given to children so that they could pass this phrase around in their play ground discussions. The meme phrase according to video, may evolve and other such things, until it gets spoken by a child, perhaps phrased differently, but the child makes such a statement that some believes the child has been molested. Then what happens? Sone unsuspecting person gets terrorized with wrongful prosecution wrongfully accused as molesting a child. Judges and defense attorneys love to capitalize off of court cases. More and more innocent people terrorized because a meme is passed around child play grounds. More and more innocent people terrorized and driven to rage from lives ruined by prosecution of innocent people.


Retain legal counsel.

Have no money. I am dealing with disability claim for disability courts.


Take out every 3rd word, rearrange. Consider doing this 2-3 times.

AnneWimsey Level 9 Apr 23, 2021

Might work



Please find below a list of topics for your judicial notice. These are included for consideration of review and research in relation to the main points/ body of text.


Imagine the inadvertently exquisite torture of "reading the rest of the writing".

The explication of divine eternality is mere child's play (cf. Mark 66, Matthew 85, Luke 90 and John 100).

The "rest of the writing " includes my request for this Judge to subpoena his God damn God pertaining to "In God We Trust" for court records and show cause for this statement of trust in this supposed God.

@Word ah, have a go on this:


Apparently, like in Australia, your system allows for people to affirm, or swear, depending on their personal bent.


Break up the sentences. Here and elsewhere. The quoted sentence is a run-on.

Krish55 Level 8 Apr 22, 2021

The most noticeable problem that I see is the need for an Oxford comma after the words "review" and "understanding." Next thing: it's a run-on sentence. Break it up into two sentences. That, and the meaning of the last half is a bit muddled. Can you clarify it?

mischl Level 8 Apr 22, 2021

Maybe my listing the information antecedent the written statement would make " that the knowledge, understanding and information is at the forefront of your thinking while reading the rest of the writing. " to be unneeded because obvious implication of listing the information first.

I was try to make sure the list was well recognized and understood so that the written portion that references the list would be understood. B

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