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We need the time to pursue happiness
By J. L. Young

For some, the voice of democracy when spoken is in a strange language. It is the voice of humanity. It is how we are to be governed. Many would disagree. That is the reason democracy is fragile. I’m not condoning the removal of our rights, which would be counter-intuitive and counterproductive.

We, as citizens of this country, have pledged to stand for this country. To fight those who dare to damage this precious experiment that we hold in our hearts. If this country can only rid itself of hatred and discontent like a surgeon excises a tumor from the body. Only then can this inflamed nation be healed.

Those who immigrate here should not face hatred. Life is tough enough. Those of different colors should have respect and dignity, as we are all human. The definition of success should not be how much we make or how expensive our possessions are. It should be the kindness we show others and the happiness we feel within.

We have members of Congress that do not hear the voices of their constituents because the voices of those with money deafens them to our plight. They no longer represent the people and represent corporate greed. If ninety percent of the population desire a specific bill to be passed, but it harms the corporations in any way, they take it upon themselves to kill it.

In this country, education was a priority. A large portion of tax revenue made it possible to build and maintain schools, pay teachers, and ensure children were educated. Now children are merely shoved shoulder to shoulder into classrooms so that parents could work sixty hours a week with minimum pay.

Other countries have figured out the balance between work and time off. Corporations there still see a profit. Here they profit solely on greed and wage slavery. CEOs should not be making 450 percent more than their highest paid employees.

This isn’t just a complaint.

I suggest those in Congress be made accountable for their actions. Corporate donations need to be eliminated. The tax rates need to be raised on all those who make $500,000 or more a year. And the corporate tax rate raised to fifty percent. Living wages should be implemented in all states. Corporations that refuse to pay a living wage to their workers should be fined. Those fines should supplement education, infrastructure, medical care, and assistance to the homeless.

It is said that we are the best country in the world. That statement is a fallacy. We never were. It is time we change that. The question is: How do we make laws that benefit the people when the very ones voted to represent us fail to do so?

Gohan 7 June 8
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The question is: How do we make laws that benefit the people when the very ones voted to represent us fail to do so?

You eliminate the Masonic lodge secret religion racist devil worshipper European invador government called United States of America and consider things of the original indigenous inhabitants that had been here for 1000s of years prior to the European invasion of 1492 and the Masonic lodge secret religion racist devil worshippers freedom from England July 4th, 1776 to rape this land, wealth of the land, our freedom of the land, culture, heritage and inheritance calling them such as Mexicans, Indian, and native American.

Here's what Masonic lodge secret religion racist devil worshipper governmental terrorist had to say from his essay "Remarks concerning the savages of north America "- Benjamin Franklin.

The Indian Men when young are Hunters and Warriors; when old, Counsellors; for all their Government is by Counsel of the Sages; there is no Force there are no Prisons, no Officers to compel Obedience, or inflict Punishment.—Hence they generally study Oratory; the best Speaker having the most Influence.

Word Level 8 June 8, 2021

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