10 6

Fact is nobody is illegal on a stolen land.
I'm right?

ZackMk 3 June 6
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Universally, the powerful determine the fate and status of the powerless; the laws that govern them and the history that is told of them. We are all losers to power, even the powerful, who cannot see past the riches they have gained to the riches they have lost.

StJohn Level 6 June 12, 2018

Interesting thought.

Dingodog Level 7 June 8, 2018

It's all perfectly good and right as long as you give it a catchy name like Manifest Destiny.

Razorjelly Level 7 June 7, 2018

22 visitors but only 6 likes - says it all.

FrayedBear Level 9 June 6, 2018

LoL you gone see ts poppin, at least I got that what you got

@ZackMk "ts poppin" means?


We did steal the entire Southwest of the US from Mexico. As for the rest the Native Americans had no concept of land ownership although they did understand encroachment, in that light we encroached on their ability to freely maintain their culture and existance. All that being said, the Mexicans, and the Spanish were just as brutal to Native Americans. The Navajos were pretty hard on the Hopi's, the Sioux treated the Blackfoot with murderous intent and the Cheyenne were equal opportunity invaders. So, I don't think we should give the land back although we should make some kind of accommodation for future treatment of Native Americans and make an effort to get along with our neighbors to the South.


Another bait.....just another bait.... the lake is getting way too crowded now with too many fishers

IamNobody Level 8 June 6, 2018

Alas, legality is in the hands of governments.

Governments are supposed to be "of and for the people" aren't they?

@FrayedBear That's more of a guideline...

@Palindromeman Take a look at the International Covenants on Human Rights signed by most countries apart from USA. []

@FrayedBear Hahahahahaha! I worked on UN conventions for a decade. Trust me, despite their legal status, in practice they are more of a guideline.

@Palindromeman In what capacity did you work "on UN Conventions for a decade"?
Australia as proven in 1996 Senate Enquiry is nothing more than a nation of hypocrites and out of control people. Two quotes for you to reflect on from an Irish philosopher and politician:
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." (Which just about sums up Australians since 1950) Edmund Burke and
"Those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it."
Edmund Burke. The latter being very relevant to a country and its people who, like the Taliban, deliberately destroy history or try to rewrite it to obviate their cringe arising from ancestral and current practices.Australia of course is the only country left in the world that does not have a Bill of Rights and the state that does have one does not follow it or acknowledge that it is flawed, denying evidence of such in Hansard.

@FrayedBear I represented Australia at more than 30 international meetings, including the negotiation of the Minamata Convention on Mercury - from its inception to its agreement. The which means I know what I am talking about. Out of control people? Hahahahaha - I don't see any dead school children around here killed with an AR-15. But what would I know, right?

@Palindromeman What have AR-15's got to do with black deaths in custody, ongoing genocide, abuse of the elderly. Out of control in terms of allowing the mockery of as you say failure to treat international covenants as anything more than convenient when suited and ignored if politically inconvenient. Any in control population would have turned them out sans pensions other than perhaps a gratis ounce of lead. Furthermore what sort of democracy does not allow you register on your ballot paper and be counted as being of the opinion that no presenting candidate is fit to represent you? Contrary to Australian law requiring voting currently some 13% of citizens defy the law and refuse to vote.
Convention against mercury? What happened to the one on fluoride? The rights of the children not least of which is the male circumcision which is still legal in Australia - the most prevalent however being the right to parenting by a male and a female parent, the rights of the mentally ill and those assaulted/ injured by them, the right to equality in the law which if I remember rightly dates back to the English Magna Carta, not international covenant ... These are signs of people "allowing the triumph of evil" by doing nothing. IMO a concerned person would not be defending the lack of implementation but asking what is the evidence of corrupted Hansard, evidence of the abrogation of human rights through failure to enact international agreed to covenant and treaty into applied law.

@FrayedBear That is an impressive stream of consciousness rant. I want whatever drugs you are on.

@Palindromeman Australian pill.

@FrayedBear Whatever. Enjoy your reality.

@Palindromeman The next great Australian panacea after "she'll be right mate" is "whatever".

@FrayedBear I truly do not know what your damage is. But you clearly cannot leave it alone. So, there, you have the opportunity to riposte with your usual searching intellect. You will slap me down with one last eloquent and excruciatingly boring reply. You clearly have a problem with me; perhaps all Australians; but, most of all, you just have a fucking problem. Your comments are asinine.

That's it. I'm done with this exchange and I will avoid you on this site in the future. Do your worst. I. Truly. Do. Not. Care.

Comprehend? Hasta la vista, baby.


The indigenous people used to trade with people and occasionally some would stay I believe. I don't own land, but I have links to some places. The people that make the laws tend to benefit from them most I think.


Squatters rights

273kelvin Level 8 June 6, 2018

If the land is "stolen" then everyone except the original owner is illegal.
History is full of peoples stealing lands by force from the original owners, then justifying it, often using religious prejudice. Read the bible for some prime examples.
Others simply justified it by "right of conquest", alias "It's mine because my sword said so."

Petter Level 9 June 6, 2018

I read the New Testament once for research purposes. That thing needs a professional edit, it is all over the shop.

@Palindromeman LMAO

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