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Hey everyone, I'm doing some research for an autobiography I'm writing. Is it possible to find archived movie times for a theater? I'm trying to remember the exact date for an event and because my life revolved around going to the movies back then, the only way I can know is by all the ticket stubs I had kept. I remember the movies I saw and sometimes who I went with and even where I sat sometimes! But I haven't kept ALL the stubs (most likely because I didn't have stubs for some movies) so it's hard to pinpoint when the event occured. Hopefully that makes sense ☺

VelociraptorRemy 6 June 26
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I would think that the best way is to try to determine how long after the release date you saw the film and then when the film was released.

Wrytyr Level 7 June 27, 2018

As far as the book itself goes, just knowing One Day in July is enough, but it was the day I met one of my best friends (which is an entirely separate story in itself!), so the actual date is important to me.

No notes scribbled to yourself? Nothing more to tie it to other than the theater? If that's all you have to go on, then I'm afraid you're out of luck. Is there nothing you can tie it to so that you can at least zero in on the date?

@evidentialist I got rid of a lot of things from that era of my life. He was the one who kept me sane throughout it all. But he doesn't remember the exact date either.


If the theater is still around you might be able to get somewhere that way. Otherwise IMDB should at least tell you when the movie was out


Fortunately, autobiographies don't need to be absolutely correct. Everyone understands that there are few who remember what happened yesterday at a particular time, let alone last week, and certainly not in terms of years. Not only that, but the readers usually won't care if something one says happened four years ago actually happened six years ago, unless it throws all your details out of whack and you'll recognize that and be able to fix it before publishing.

Write your story and don't worry about specifics unless they are intrinsically important to the understanding of the tale. Old saying holds here: Don't sweat the small stuff.

Example: I remember going to see 2001: A Space Odyssey at the first general showing after the premier. I remember it was at the Hollywood Pantages. With that information I could pinpoint the year and the month. Beyond that I couldn't tell you what week or date. I couldn't even tell you what day of the week, if I was with anyone, or whether it was an early or late showing. Furthermore, unless it was part of a pivotal point in my life, who would care. They wouldn't even care if I'd seen it if it hadn't been important to my life's story.


You can take a shot and call the theater manager maybe. Depending on how cool they are/their level of caring they might have that info. I’m wondering if something like Fandango would have that information. It seems to me they might.

PenLOP Level 7 June 26, 2018

It's from 19 years ago, so I'm pretty sure they won't still have it. I just thought I would take a shot in the dark.

@VelociraptorRemy Ahh, yeah. They probably won’t have those records.

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