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What do we do here? Are we cheerleaders? Do we critique? Do we post our words and hope for a reaction? I have been members of two different critique groups in two separate cities (Meetup) In one group my feedback was limited to spellcheck and improving punctuation. The other was mostly advice on how to market. I have a friend that attends a poetry group in a college town. The members include some professors (current and former). She told me that when she joined the group that she would present a piece only to have it ravaged by her peers. That approach requires familiarity and perhaps a little facetime. She stated that the end result was a well buffed poem worthy of scrutiny. She stated that one had to check their ego at the door. I realize that is an approach that likely would not work here. Critical analysis can come across as mean, especially to a fragile soul (lets be frank, we are not all warriors. We are skeptics and humanists, we hold out a helping hand and rant at injustice. But we question everything. We are not true believers that stomp our feet and slam our fists into the table to demonstrate the righteousness of our convictions. We are snowflakes - are we not?) So, I'll return to the question. What is it that we do here?

Lincoln55 8 July 6
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Enjoy being online again!

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As my characters frequently say - work with what you've got. This is what you've got. Work with it.


I am up for it. As long as you are not Donald Trump or vegan, I am open.

What do we do here? Exchange ideas and text.

I've met some great people here. Stick around is my suggestion.

@Lincoln55 I was just being silly about Donald Trump - I need to access Twitter to know what the leader of the free world is thinking and feeling. FFS....


Write what we think about the topics presented and ask questions to which I at least want true and thoughtful answers. I lost my ego years ago, forgot to look for it so it remains lost.

@Lincoln55 Sarcastic, yes. Old, 67. Bastard, well I don't know. I have a bastard file at work, for taking the rough edges off. See you took the comment as intended. Thanks.



What is it you want to do here?

I take it you read the description, right? You know, the one that says, "A group for the discussion of the written word. Though we'd like to see folks active in the industry, you need not be published or working in the industry to join in and ideally there will be help and motivation for those wanting to write. All that is required is a love of the written word and an interest in how it's done." What dogma did you glean from that?

I've been a professional member of the Legion of the Perennially Rejected and Reviled since 1956, with extensive experience in show business, advertising, technical writing, textbook writing, ghost writing, blah blah blah. That is to say, I'm a battle hardened member of the first squad. Say it proud. RECON

At the other end, we have casual restroom stall writers with no rejection experience, have no idea that what they just penned in permanent marker is in desperate need of an edit, and who might break down into uncontrollable fits if criticized.

We have everything between those two extremes plus readers who don't write and go into panic freeze mode when asked to sign a check.

We have experienced writers and editors and I'm waiting for a publisher to show up, but I won't hold my breath. We have the multi-published, just published, not published, and the never will be published.

So, again, what is it you want to do here?

@Lincoln55 -- By the by, I enjoyed muchly what I found on the site. Like your style/delivery. Goes down smooth like good gin. I'll save you the time and hawk it for ya:


@Lincoln55 -- Which tag? The web site or tagging you?

There was a reason I didn't put up any 'must-do-this' or 'must-do-thats' when I set up this thread. Some people shy away when they see the rules and others get all uppity in the who-the-hell-are-you department. I get more than enough of both from the writers who hire my editing skills. I dropped a bit of a critique on a poem presented in this thread and found myself attacked right down to the gonads. No, that's not right. He accused me of having none. I'm too tough a bird to be impressed with that stuff, but there are others here who really can't stand the gaff. I'd like them to gradually thicken up their epidermis rather than run off screaming or crying to Admin. Know what I'm sayin'?

@Lincoln55 -- Take anything I can get as long as it's free. See ya.

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