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Take this idea for yourself and write me a novel will yah?

The Mask Party: A political party who runs for president under an Alias consisting of a latin word that represents an aspect of their character or intentions then when elected reveal their name. Party began as a social experiment and was a viral phenomenon that no one expected would even accept a presidency. The idea is that without a face or name they couldn't be bribed and their argument would have to be attacked rather than them as a person without the ability to dig up dirt on an unknown person. They used viral media mechanics and memes as their only advertisement and eventually convinced mainstream media to cover them through being entertaining and projecting the idea that they were simply a social experiment and nothing to worry about while using the selling point "I wear a mask, that is a deception, don't you think the people are tired of deceptions? Just go along with it for the entertainment aspect because, after all no one will vote for a masked man anyways but it would surely do something interesting for your ratings to entertain such". In public speeches the members of the Mask party would have a portion of their speech be intended for those in the Electoral college claiming that surely if someone like them became president their presidency could be used as a means to make a point depending on their success or failure utilizing psychology in said portion of the speech.

I want a story where this party wins an election as I think it would be a very interesting story!

Secular_Squirrel 7 Aug 21
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When Sky first started in the UK. A station called "LIVE TV" had a dumb it down for the plebs character called "News Bunny". This consisted of a guy dressed in a rabbit suit from head to toe, who would appear at press conferences and photo shoots. Then came a by-election and a bright spark in the Murdoch echelon thought "We should have News Bunny stand as a candidate". So not only did this poor bugger have to wear this ridiculous (and hot) outfit but he had to change his name. "Don`t worry it won't be for long and you can change it back straight afterward" they said. So one of the official candidates Was News Bunny. Then the guy got done for obstruction of the highway. A misdemeanor but nevertheless an offence and under UK law you cannot change your name if there is an outstanding criminal record in that name till after three months have passed. So the guy was stuck with the name for 90 days after.
He was not a happy bunny.
PS. One of the other uplifting ideas they had was topless darts.

273kelvin Level 8 Aug 21, 2018

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