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I'm a member of a writer's group down here in Florida. Each meeting we have two writing prompts, this time was command and forest. Here's my story.

May They Find Peace
By J. L. Young

Our ship, the Theroth had taken a beating on its last run. She got us this far, I must give her that respect. Though this isn’t exactly safe harbor and we know nothing about this planet, it can be said that those inhabiting this place, if there is anybody, they aren’t looking for us.

The ship lost containment around the number three tokamak fusion reactor, the result of weapons fire as we made our escape. Our engineering team helpless to prevent the infectious spread of radiation stayed at their posts. Many of our dearest friends and family were lost, cooked alive.

We stayed aboard as long as we could, but over time, the osmium anti-radiation doors failed in every section. I made a command decision to abandon our beloved ship and our hard fought and now tainted cargo lost to the depths of that black fabric. May she and her eternal crew find peace there.

The violent bow shocks envelop the pod and our bodies endured as we made entry into the thick atmosphere of an unknown rocky planet. The sudden shudders felt when passing through the ever-thickening layers slowed our descent, but not enough.

The boosters poised to fire. The steering fins ready to guide us to a safe landing. The hull reinforced to take the impact with the outer crust. A robust flying machine designed for one purpose, to ensure the safety of its crew.
Alas, it failed.

I awoke to the popping and snapping of electrical conduits with the wires within severed and swinging. It hung there like a snake poised to sink its fangs deep into my skin. The harness securing me to the seat disconnected with a slap of the buckle. As the conduit pendulated, I timed my escape from the seat.

I looked at the faces of my crew, they weren’t unconscious as I was. My desire and lust for the riches beyond my grasp have cost me more than imagination could conjure. To leave them here for their bones to be picked clean is an unfathomable thought.

The forest floor would make their final resting place. I burned their visages into my memory. Sean, a good officer, friend, and an endless repository of tasteless jokes. I guess that last statement isn’t entirely true. Vore, I never heard her speak, but she never hesitated to follow an order and her actions were always of a quality to be emulated. I will try and invariably fail to rise to her standard. Yeno, a connoisseur of silver age comic books, and a damned good pilot. And my love, Ketaki, a flower amongst weeds. I give a final kiss and let my tears fall upon her as I smoothed her hair. I will bare their skin to the soil so their bodies may feed life, as per our custom. May peace find them.

As I walk through this forest without a compass and without a destination, I hope to find myself again amongst the stars. But if that is not in my cards may hell swiftly find me for I had led my crew to death.

Gohan 7 Sep 6
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I am especially fond of the forest floor paragraph,.

pixiedust Level 8 Sep 10, 2018

I think this is Pissah !! Or excellent...

Croebheir Level 6 Sep 6, 2018

Thank you.


too long and single spaced not good for this venue


@Gohan -- Not too long, but you need to edit your post so that there is space between paragraphs. Simply add a line between paragraphs after you have pasted your document into the post box. It needs to be done carefully, but it is an easy process.

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