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Hi from a full-time freelancer (trade books, mostly copyediting and proofreading).

For most of 25 years in-house I was a production editor, in books at three publishers; and online at a 1990s webzine, “HMS Beagle,” of BioMedNet/Elsevier. You don’t get much choice of projects as an employee, but you can get variety. Some of my titles have included a Hitchens collection, a guide to secular living, a queer Christian journalist’s tour of religious groups including Westboro Baptist, and a young-earth creationism textbook.

Publishing looks much less glamorous than what I saw in “The Devil Wears Prada.” Here I am at an in-house, windowless, former-storage-room office. I knew I’d like working there when no one vetoed my hammock. My previous job would not let me screw a manual pencil sharpener into my IKEA-style modular desk. At least I had offices. In the last few years editors have been forced into ever-smaller cubes, ever-growing pods, and ever-noisy long tables.

I miss infinite free books. I’ve donated forty-pound boxes of freethought-friendly/interesting to around two hundred groups, and am still active “tagging and releasing” random books “in the wild” via, whose NYC meetup I used to run: []

josh_karpf 7 Feb 11
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Posted by K9JetLee999Here's the Kindle version of my latest book. If you have Prime, it's free if not 3.99. Geez I'd really like to see what it's like to earn 99 cents. []

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