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Hello, all. I have been a member of a weird and generally invisible part of the publishing community since 2001. I am a freelance indexer, seeking to become more part-time at it as time goes on. However, I'm finding it hard to say "no" to projects offered me....

DharmaBum50 8 Feb 11
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I looked in to doing this. Sounds very interesting--takes a certain type.

EllenDale Level 7 Feb 13, 2018

You looked into it--but decided you weren't the type?

Oh contrare, @BikerDude50 I had just gotten my masters and was a legal secretary which didn't go with English and communication. I took technical writing but couldn't find work in it and was tired of not reading for myself. Didn't want to do any more classes for anyrhing. Of course now is a different story if I had to. I figured the software would make things easier than 20 years ago. I'd be an excellent student! Hint hint

@josh_karpf You've worked with some interesting "types" for sure. I'm kind of a strange blend of academic, crusty mountain man, and hard rocker.

@EllenDale The software makes the grunt work of indexing easier, but you still have to decide what gets included and how to express it. Still true even with the technology: shit in, shit out.

I hear you about not wanting to do any more classes, but I found them to be helpful since it was such a career change for me. That said, if you don't have the mindset, they won't do you a lick of good.

And speaking of mindset, mine is such that I am well regarded for my ability to organize concepts, but my house is a freaking disaster, and being a Southerner, I couldn't be on time if my life depended on it.

@BikerDude50 LOL. Former Ft. Lauderdale alumni here. I know about southern time. I'll take the course if I need to but ready to do something to keep busy. Either indexing or teaching again. There are some things I need--work is one of them. I pay attention to what I do even when it's mindless. One early job was keying in credit card numbers by the boxful. I actually caught a repeated box. The numbers seemed familiar, so I feel I'd be good at indexing even if others find it boring. I'm ADHD so I become engrossed in my work until I run out of it.

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