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I used to write a long time ago. I would love to get back into it but I am struggling with starting again. How can I get my motivation back. Any suggestions or help is welcome

Livinlife 9 Feb 22
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Thanks everyone for your suggestions and tips. I'm going to give them a try and see what I can get going.I'll keep you posted.

Livinlife Level 9 Feb 28, 2018

@Livinlife -- Here's a daily exercise that has proven to work for quite a few. It is painless, takes just a little time, and can be quite productive. It has even started a couple of careers, which is not bad for a one hour exercise.

Pick any small news item of the day. It can be anything and because you are choosing it, you're guaranteed to be at least a little interested in it. Do a little fact checking and think about what you found, then write a brief description of what you think and feel about it. Keep all these little quips in a single file that can be sorted by date.

At the end of a month, go back and read what you have written -- from the first to the last. You will see three things beginning to take hold over that month. First, word choice will become more critical and expressive. Second, the word count will bobble at first, then steadily climb as you get into the roll. Third, and this is the deciding factor about whether it is working, if you find yourself looking forward to the next article -- it IS working.

If the third thing isn't happening, it does not mean you won't be a writer again. All it says is that this exercise isn't working. Try it for a month. If the interest isn't growing, let me know. There are several other things you can try.

Thank you so much for the suggestion. I will give it a try and let you know


Start your own wordpress blog. Once you get the account you will have a place to post any kind of thoughts. That will help get you back in the swing of writing and get more motivated about doing it!

HOTROD213 Level 4 Feb 27, 2018

Is there something that needs to be done that you really hate to do? Allocate the time to do then sit in front of your keyboard. It is surprising how procrastination can be used in this way. (last time I did this, it was tax returns and got a song I had been working on and off for a year out).

273kelvin Level 8 Feb 25, 2018

I look for inspiration in my daily life, and turn my random thoughts into writing. Books, movies, and music help for inspo. You can also use Google or Pinterest to find writing prompts. Inspiration breeds motivation.

NicThePoet Level 7 Feb 24, 2018

Thanks for the tips!


Me, too. I just read a 3.99 kindle book called Take off Your Pants! I didn’t expect it to revive my passion for writing, I was just looking for some new ideas. Used the method and have two fully planned out books I can’t wait to work on. And I’m a pantser !

AwkwardJen Level 3 Feb 23, 2018

I'm glad it helped you! Ill check it out

Did it work? I'm feeling my last remaining passion is writing. It might also prove to be my salvation. But I'm continually distracted. What to do?


Do you have something in mind to write about? Don't start with writing part. Start with the planning. What are the bones of your story?

I find this series inspiring and helpful when I'm struggling to start a new project or rekindle an old one.

Lysistrata Level 7 Feb 23, 2018

Thank you, I'll check it out


I have a similar issue. 3/4 of the way thru my third novel, and I haven’t spent any time with other in about 3 months. I planned on finishing it by the end of March. But I cannot get back into it. I need to find my motivation as well.

ChrisJones Level 6 Feb 23, 2018

Maube some of these suggestions will help you too

Before I say anything, please understand I’m not discounting the suggestions. Unfortunately for me I had already been trying to do just that.

Essentially I know what made it possible to.write previously. At least in part. The problem is that the motivation that I had from the sources that gave me the motivation are no longer available. Now I’m trying to find alternative motivation.

It isn’t that I don’t know what to write or how to write. It’s more of a procrastination thing thang anything else. Eventually I’m just going to have to force myself to sit down and do it. The story is there. I just need to write it.


I don't know 'your story'. Therefore, making even a wild guess at what is absent now that once occupied a large part of your life and motivation isn't possible. You, however, do know what was there then that isn't now. It might not be singular, but a combination of elements in your life that fueled your inspiration.

Look back at what was; how and why it might have provided inspiration. The answer, if discoverable, is but step one. Figuring out what would recreate those motivations today could be putting you back to 'square one', but a bit more enlightened.

Life and it's best manifestations follow a paradigm of tension-charge-discharge-relaxation. It can be seen in every active evidence of life from mitosis to respiration; from gestation to ultimate uterine contractions; from a sneeze to orgasm. Whatever interrupts that natural flow, whether a block or a chasm, has to be eliminated.

Silver1wun Level 7 Feb 23, 2018

Thank you. You're right, eliminating the block is essential.

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