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IMAGINE... fellow agnostics... the chance to study a real live bible-belt town--a place where Calvinist certainty has, over two centuries, seized the arable the land and turned the world's oldest hunter-gatherer aboriginal culture into its laborers. A place where time seems to have stood still.
Imagine further... that this silence of this isolation is just what astronomy needs to build its biggest infrastructure in history. A radio telescope so vast that its flow of data every day will dwarf the internet's yearly flow.
Imagine... the town's cantankerous preacher railing against the newcomers. Imagine what skeletons might fall out of that cupboard when an Oxford lad, the son of an incoming astrophysicist, a lad with southern-Indian features, comes excitedly as a guest representative to the local school.... imagine that the flames of discontent are being stoked by a mega-money baptist church... and imagine the entire landscape is floating on a lake of shale gas just ripe for the fracking -- that only the mega-church's benefator knows is there.
It's quite literally a powder keg.

Now... in our Trump-stoked environment of hostility, where religion is backlashing against science, how to market this?

Smorie 4 Mar 9
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What's the initial hook?

Modernity confronts tradition in a town that time forgot.

A biracial London lad thrust into a staunchly conservative outback town becomes the lightning rod for fermenting bigotry. His struggle to survive the hostility uncovers a cunning oil tycoon stalking the region for fracking.


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