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I don't class myself as a wirter, though I do try. My wife died ten years ago and it was then at the age of seventy five. I tried learn how write properly. It was very tasking, but was rewarding because of the story that I had wanted to write. My writing even though it might be rubbish, saved me from the grief that I was feeling at the time. My novel is fictional, but was inspired by an incident my wife and I experienced. I've delved a bit into poetry and am now writing short stories. (Horror and Whodunnits.)

dinoid 5 Apr 2
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I would like to thank all them who acknowledged my comment. The book I wrote was festering in my head for many years, so the writing was not all that difficult. I'll explain what brought about my writing a novel. It was1966 and I lived in a house with two up and two down. My wife and I were just retiring to bed with our two sons (aged 6 and 4) fast asleep in the back room. As I was about to turn off the light, we heard our sons getting out of bed and walking across the landing, making their way to our room. My wife and I in playful mood covered our faces with the bed sheet. Our two sons were heard coming into our bedroom and stood by the side of our bed giggling. There was no mistaking that they were my sons. My wife and I sat up saying BOO. It was goose bump time; there was nobody there. I checked on my children who were still fast asleep. Being an atheist my thoughts were different to those with a belief; I realized that it was something to do with the subconscious. Our consciousness works roughly 16/7 and our subconsciousness works 24/7-it was obvious that in the greater scheme of things the subconscious appears the most important. I then tried to sort out where the source of this event came from. The subconscious working 24/7 meant it could have been from my wife or me or my children; we shall probably never know. What it did do however, was prove that we are all connected. All life has a natural instinct for survival and all life has a selected instinct; hibernation or migration etc. What selective instinct does an intelligent species need? My book is about survival when evolution decides it is time for a change. It is mostly fiction.

dinoid Level 5 Apr 3, 2019

Inspiring story of how you took up serious writing -- and kept at it. It takes a lot of discipline to even finish a novel, which I've been trying to do -- off and on -- for a few years.

Garbonza Level 6 Apr 2, 2019

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