8 3

People do this to me all the time then apologize. I'm like, dude! I'm not gonna print out your text message, mark it in red pen then send it to you! Chill!

Or, worse yet, when I'm the one who makes the mistake and they make jokes about my English degree. Um, having an English degree doesn't mean I don't make mistakes with the English language.

Melbates 7 Apr 4
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I just did this recently because my phone put it's instead of its and it was driving me nuts. On a related note I had auto-correct call somebody a Nazi without catching it. That was a disaster



Gotta be attentive enough to catch the auto complete "feature's" incorrectnesses.

Sending, "She's out back sitting on the dick," can have repercussions that do not just included laughter.

JacarC Level 8 Apr 5, 2018

@jacar dies laughing


I gave up trying to keep my perfect spelling, grammar, sentence structure, and punctuation in non-formal messages and comments simply because typing is difficult for my hands. If you're annoying though, I'll still correct the crap outta you like that English teacher everyone hates that always says "I don't know, jimmy, CAN you go to the bathroom?"

That is to say, if you spell like a toddler, or if you've just pissed me off with non-existent arguments

@LadyAlyxandrea LMFAO!!!!! I love that. LOL

I can't help myself. I re-read each comment, email, post after typing to make corrections. I'm using my phone. My right thumb doesn't work. So, I type one handed, or, in this case, thumbed. I make more mistakes. Five years ago, when I was in college, I had a blackberry with a physical keyboard. I could walk across campus, using both hands to type, never once looking at the keyboard and still get it right, for the most part. Having a touchscreen keyboard makes it more difficult. One, because I've got thick thumbs that hit multiple keys and two, I have nerve damage in both hands. I can't feel anything in the uppermost layer of skin. That's kind of a necessity when typing on a touchscreen. I've gotten better in the years since getting this phone. But, I still want my blackberry back.

But, in regards to other people's writing, I don't like confrontation. Especially over something so menial. I'd rather not correct unless they're, like, using a big word to sound smart but it's nowhere near the word it's supposed to be.


Sometimes it is important, like when one means to type "white-washed" and on second perusal discover one actually sent "shite-washed". True story, from the days when I was the proprietor and editor in chief of 3 magazines. It's actually an easy typing error. 🙂

Petter Level 9 Apr 5, 2018

Mostly I do it because I don't want people to think I'm an idiot.

Highly unlikely.


I can't help it. The editor in me must fix the error. ;P


@rebrew2115 @LadyAlyxandrea LMFAO!!! Yup. It's like being OCD, which I am, and dying to clean the stain on someone's shirt. LOL I just don't like confrontation. So, I'd rather not. LOL


Especially with texts, for "heavens" sake. And emails. Who cares if an easily understandable typo occurs. And especially, who are these people who need to find fault with smart people when they goof. Big deal.

Sooz Level 6 Apr 5, 2018

The person who makes no mistake has not been born and never will be. Look at that mythical figure Jesus Christ. His mistake was in having a father who had him crucified in order to create the enslavement of billions over millenia to an amoral ritualistic and retarded cabal of narcissists.

But think of the money his (delusional) father made, and is still making.
rather than "war is good business, invest your sons." It should read "religion is ..." etc. 🙂

@Petter lol. His "delusional father" doesn't exist so like corporations being responsible for corrupting politicians, political systems and people's laws it didn't happen. It required people to do it.

@FrayedBear Good point. J C. was actually INfamous. A shit stirrer who attacked men going about their lawful businesses of money lending, etc in a public area that had a good footfall - namely a temple. Many of the "famous" people in history were actually infamous - think Alexander the great, Genghis Khan. Others were infamous to sections of the population - think George Washington (against his British overlords), William Tecumseh Sherman (against Southern slave owners), Martin Luther and John Calvin (refused to accept the teachings of the pope and all righteous Roman Catholics), etc. . Only people like Alexander Fleming and the Wright brothers are actually "famous".

@Petter Downunder the Wright Brothers are believed to have stolen the wing design from Hargreaves who stole the design off Australia First Nation's people. The design being that used in the boomerang used for tens of thousands of years....and they were not recognised as human beings until 1966. That is white hubris for you.

@FrayedBear Interesting. The curvature of the upper surface of the boomerang certainly is the source of lift. However, that same curvature was used by a "landed gentleman" in England about 250 years ago to produce lift in a steerable, man carrying kite. His butler was the test pilot, the "landed gentleman" wasn't stupid!! The Aboriginal peoples certainly were eons ahead of other peoples, but I reckon the wing design was probably stumbled upon by more recent "others", rather than plagiarised.
I have an old, close friend, from my Kenya days, who has lived in Perth for the past 45 years or so. We had many a wild escapade together in our gloriously mis-spent youth. We still exchange banter on social media.

@Petter 250 years is just before discovery of Australia by the English so as you say independent discovery. Imagine though if the locals here had developed metal making 40000 years ago.

@FrayedBear Bronze boomerangs! (Hey, that's a great exclamation.) Did they have the wheel? In East Africa, only 150 years ago, the wheel was an alien concept. Logical though, when you consider that there were no roads and the land was rough and stony, making it easier to use a litter or a pole, with one end trailing on the ground.

@Petter No wheels, no metal for 50000 years. Just wood, gourds for drinking vessels water carrying, no horses or oxen. Just skinny legs, black skin and a huge knowledge of the hunter gatherer regarding the night skies, the conservation and usefulness of the flora and fauna as foodstuff and medicine. Naturally they had and knew how to use fire.

When your wordly possessions are carried in one hand and inside your brain in your head you don't need beasts of burden. Sadly they never developed individual longevity and aging is still rapid, their bodies badly affected by white man interference in lifestyles, diets and addictions. The only thing that interbreeding - usually through rape and pedophilia, has done has been to increase ability to cope with white living and thus marginally increase longevity. Generally speaking lifespans are 10-20 years less than whites.

@Petter Bronze vs shaped hardwood? A word adopted by today's First Nations People is "Deadly". I suspect that a bronze boomerang would be ... If you could throw it though if hollow would be equivalent weight. Not sure if a razor edge would significantly improve it though jugular nicking would probably be quickly learnt. Deadly!

@FrayedBear When two technologically different cultures meet, the more advanced culture will rapidly supplant the other. A perhaps unfortunate side effect of evolution.

@FrayedBear Strewth, mate! Bronze Boomerangs! That's a deadly concept.

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