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Substances - Do you use them? Do you think they help or hinder your writing?

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Lysistrata 7 Apr 15
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I tend to get my best ideas when using pot and alcohol. Spelling grammar etc. can get ragged but they can be cleaned up later. Unfortunately this happens far to infrequently (not the smoking and drinking but the inspiration). I also can be lazy in writing things down at certain stages but if the lines are good you can remember them when sober. This works for songs, prose is best on just pot.

273kelvin Level 8 Apr 16, 2018

I don't drink alcohol, as of November 2012, and I've never taken other recreational drugs (in fact, I'm actually allergic to THC)....but I don't mind saying I abuse the crap out of caffeine. Coffee always helps me think more clearly, and really frees up my imagination. I would estimate that 98% of my first novel and all of my short stories have been written with a coffee within arm's reach. My Muse lives at the bottom of a ceramic cup....

twitch Level 7 Apr 16, 2018

For the purposes of this question, is sex a substance?

Well its addictive

Masturbation too, probably.

@Lysistrata Vodka usually goes it for me.

I'd have to say so. But like most substances, if you don't know put have a problem or don't believe you do, then you won't see the negatives. Whether they are low self esteem or daddy or mommy issues or blah blah blah. On the flip side of theat though, is a healthy understanding of sexuality. Loving and sharing yourself as entertainment instead of self abuse. I think it truly depends on the individual's awareness of the shared experience. Not filling a void.

@Fibonacci1618 Soooo, after all of that - is getting laid a good thing or not?

@Palindromeman Absolutely, if it's for an honest exchange of equal energy. But when the power dynamic is self serving or self depravating there's other issues there. But real being real, of course! I think swingers are amazing. Not for the sex but for the comfort in themselves and their connection with there partners. I think a polyamorous relationships is amazing. I think a monogamous relationship is amazing. I think friends with benefits is amazing, but I struggle with picking up a drunk chick and taking advantage of her. But that's just me. We're living in a time where sexuality is fun! But also there are so many people who are predatorial and that is what I find disgusting. I'm not saying love, I'm just saying, keep it real. There are so many people who love sex, who will be willing to share themselves. Don't steal someone's trust or sincerity. But hell yeah, get laid, lmao.

@Fibonacci1618 Soooo, are we going to have sex now? I lost my train of thought there 🙂

@Palindromeman Lol! You're funny, but that wouldn't compensate for a lack of a vagina so nope. But keep swinging there buddy. I'm sure you'll find your options.

@Fibonacci1618 Thanks for the vote of confidence. I will forgive you your lacking of a vagina. Although, you know, you should try harder 🙂

@Palindromeman lol! oh I tried but just wasn't for me. Being open minded doesn't mean you keep doing what you don't enjoy. ? Now, I just don't judge. Be good to yourself and others brother


I got into a big argument with my editor about my claim that grass helps us feel more empathy for nature. I had to fire her as she had no idea what I was talking about. To me, grass brings people closer to nature and if we are going to Save Gaia, my latest book, grass could one of the factors that helps change consciousness. Most people don't give a damn what's happening to animals and the natural world, but marijuana might help change that. Do you agree?

Aristopus Level 7 Apr 15, 2018

It's capable of many things, but I don't think it can open the eyes of the willfully blind. Pretty sure we'd need some hallucinogens for that sort of characteralogical overhaul. But I wish it could.


No substances and am as prolific as I need to be.

Hypocrite! What about that dreadful caffeine drug you imbibe? 🙂

@Petter -- Oh, that. Well, I ... er ... never mind. I don't get the drug effect from decaffeinated coffee --- all I drink, and not much of that.

@evidentialist Have you ever tried Rooibos? I grew up drinking it as an alternative to tea. It comes from a bush in Southern Africa, and was used by the old Boer farmers when real tea was hard to get. Then the health freaks discovered it was free of both caffeine and tannin and it became a "fad" drink, at inflated prices! Fortunately, various UK grocery stores now sell it also, as just another a beverage. I drink it whenever I feel "Teed out".
I also enjoy genuine Indian "Chai", which is very much an acquired taste.


It depends what you're writing. In my experience, four books on Amazon, many essays on my blog, pot brings me closer to deep hidden feelings. That's what poignant writing is all about: feelings.

Aristopus Level 7 Apr 15, 2018

Absolutely. It's a great tool for staring into the truth.

Now that's good to know.


I write 90% sober but I’ve noticed that I’m more creative with pot or alcohol but I also find I’m too lazy to write anything down—at least most of the time. So in the end I’m probably better off sober.

My problem exactly. I'm great writing when I'm high... as long as Messenger doesn't ding, FB doesn't chime, or I don't get distracted by youtube. lol

I haven't had any weed for years, and I don't like hasish. but I do still enjoy wine and brandy. In my publishing/editing/writing heyday, I used to carry a slim, solid state dictaphone and whenever an idea struck me I would speak it into the dictaphone. That way I remembered.

@Petter that’s a great idea. Yep, I’ll do that from now on.

@PinkPassion So now you owe me some good, freshly grown weed. Trouble is getting there to collect it. Can't let it go to waste, though. Better smoke it for me!


I use tea - but it's not on the list!
(It helps me keep going, but hinders in that I have to "go" more often.)

Petter Level 9 Apr 15, 2018

I have a coffee addiction that works the same way.

@Lysistrata It's that awful, worse than class "A" drug, caffeine. 🙂

@Petter Cigarettes were easier to kick.

@Petter -- Tea is good. So is coffee. Up at 6:00 am and in bed by 1:00 am.

@evidentialist @lysistrata The problem is that caffeine plays havoc with my blood pressure. (I've been up to 227/180 before now!) So I now stock decaffeinated tea/coffee (a bit like smokers using e-cigarettes) and limit my consumption of "full-fat" tea/coffee to a couple per day. I often go to bed around 3 or 4, but that's pm for an hour's siesta. Last night I went to bed at 3(am)


I smoke pot, but sometimes I think it makes me too distracted and cuts down my productivity. Been considering quitting. Not now because I just re-upped, but I might not get more... or not much more.

Lysistrata Level 7 Apr 15, 2018
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