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Do you believe in karma or not?
These are some of my thoughts:

GladToBeFree 5 Apr 21
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I ABSOLUTELY believe in karma. Can’t explain why, but I believe strongly in energy exchange and attraction. Negative energy attracts negative energy and positive attracts positive. What you put out will come back to u!

Essie Level 6 Apr 21, 2018

my actions in the world of humans & nature will inevitably induce reactions or responses, depending on the centeredness & maturity of either side. i don't know whether that's what karma originally translated means: the law of cause & effect. i don't believe in it - through several decades of experiencing it, i KNOW of it 🙂


No one escapes bad luck forever. I would only believe in karma if I had some kind of proof that there was the ability to control it.

twitch Level 7 Apr 21, 2018

Cosmic Karma? No. Supernatural Karma? No. Coincidental events that can be interpreted by some as Karma in order to address and rectify intentional good or bad behavior by others. Perceived as currently unappreciated or unchallenged deeds, many choose to not leave any business unfinished and will wait an undefined amount of time
for the opposite and equal reaction. Some have a name for it. I don't.

TommyRyan Level 5 Apr 21, 2018

I am an atheist who has no need for the irrational. Karma fits into that category.


My wife is dead, and Dick Cheney is still alive. 'Nuff said.

David Bowie is dead, and so is Leonard Cohen. Which sucks. Sorry to hear about your wife. Which also sucks.


If Karma were real, how come Trump is where he is?

Petter Level 9 Apr 21, 2018

Building up brownie points or is that black marks for his next time around?

@FrayedBear The only "brownie" points he merits would be awarded by my bum!

@Petter You and many others it seems. Isn't that to be carried forward in karma?

@FrayedBear NO. My bum is backward! 🙂

@Petter it's not your bum but it's deposits you award. The brownie is carried by the recipient when they obtain KARMA. Personally I'm just going for nirvana.

@FrayedBear Smoke a joint - and dream of nirvana. 🙂

@Petter I don't use.

@FrayedBear Nor do I, any longer.

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