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So a very general question. Can you picture a novel that is all about a teen’s relationship with her dad where he only makes an actual appearance twice? It won’t seem like it’s all about she and her dad unless the reader thinks about it. Thoughts?

Jenmcjen 6 Apr 23
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Sounds like a good vehicle for conveying a teen's thoughts about her father, and contrasting it with reality during the two actual encounters.

Petter Level 9 Apr 24, 2018

Christ in a sidecar, you know you are describing my life, right?

I did not but as it’s a lot autobiographical we must have stuff in common!

@Jenmcjen Copy that!


Of course.


I see a lot of potential in that idea.

Lysistrata Level 7 Apr 23, 2018

Sounds very Chekhovian to me. Yes. I can visualize it: teen sees man and her mother acts strangely. At the end, teen learns that the man, who she sees one final time, is her dad.

ArturoS Level 6 Apr 23, 2018

Not exactly. What I am doing is, teen acts out because she finds out her dad is not her bio dad. This is before the book starts and she doesn’t know she’s acting out because of this. Anyway, the experiences at the group home are the things that help her reach a resolution regarding her dad. The climax is a scene with her dad, where her understanding learned over the previous year help her trust her dad. Though now I kinda like your idea!

@Jenmcjen Understanding is deep. It takes years especially when it comes to the development of parent-child trust. Knowledge, in contrast, can be conveyed instantaneously.

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