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I haven't written a poem in a very long time. However, I received a phone call the other day -- a sad phone call -- that inspired me to write. The call came only an hour or so before an open mike night at the high school where I teach, so I read it. I just moved to Florida this past July. I had been teaching at an alternative school in Louisiana -- mostly expelled students living in rural/suburban poverty. Here is my poem:

"Someone's Babies"

A childhood erased
by drugs and dollar bills
by guns
by stupid smack-talk about respect

But real respect
for each other's lives
eludes them
like answers will elude their mothers
like peace will elude their friends
like children chasing each other through a maze of mirrors
it's no game

Tomorrow, when their mothers awaken
Lentrell won't be there to do his happy dance
Brandon won't be there to get to be a man
Alex won't be there to compliment me on what I wear
Thailan won't be there to smile

Desperation took them
gang violence took them
took their potential
and wiped it away
like crumbs and slop left on the cafeteria table

someone desperately wants to hug
those young men
those someone's friends
those someone's babies

bettyboop_1967 5 Apr 28
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Welcome back to writing

norealgod Level 6 Apr 29, 2018

Thank you! I hope to do more, although not from this type of inspiration.


I thoroughly enjoyed the imagery and commentary on your society and hope that your efforts change many from destruction to worthwhile constructive existance. ?

FrayedBear Level 9 Apr 29, 2018

Thank you so much! 🙂
I know I can't save them all, but I can give them love while they are mine.


And how was it received at the open mike session and by whom?

FrayedBear Level 9 Apr 29, 2018

The high school where I teach in Kissimmee, FL -- some students, staff, and parents, about 30 people or so in attendance. Well received. It is a very trusting environment, and each performer is encouraged to share feelings. I really like where I teach!

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