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Am experiencing writer's block right now. Just curious as to what you do, for those who experience this.

GladToBeFree 5 Apr 30
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Hypnotism helped Rachmaninoff. He dedicated his second piano concerto to his hypnotist.

doug6352 Level 7 May 3, 2018

Thanks guys for all your tips. They really helped me out because I woke up this morning and my mind is flowing with ideas, haha.


Work on a,different part of the,book


We all do. Here's a trick I learned to overcome writer's block. Make believe your a great arties painting a masterpiece. Many artists establish the composition of the painting first: i.e. draw a big circle in the middle, then perhaps a little cube on the side, then a triangle over there. The artist would then slowly add shape to the figures. The circle become a couple of three people, the cube a table, etc. Slowly add sentences to form what you what to say.

Aristopus Level 7 May 1, 2018

Only your conscious mind is blocked. This is because your subconscious is working the problem and does not want you interfering.

This is the time to work on something else. Anything. Just keep your fingers busy.

And cleaning. Cleaning is good.

JacarC Level 8 Apr 30, 2018

Different things work for different people. One suggestion that sounded good was to let go of what you think you should be doing and start something else, but keep writing, even if it is just writing about writer's block. The most useful thing for me is to stop trying to write and just talk to a good friend about what I am hoping to achieve and that usually throws up new ideas and gets me going again.

CeliaVL Level 7 Apr 30, 2018

I write posts about writer’s block to get through writer’s block. (I know - meta).


Amber Level 4 Apr 30, 2018



I take a break and play with the cats. Then I print out what I have already written (ie. look at it in a different presentation). I read it, picking out mistakes and improvements. Somewhere along the line, I sometimes get a fresh idea on what I am writing. When all else fails, I go to bed for a while, and very often I wake up with an idea and I'm on my way again.
The thing is, everyone finds different ways to combat being stymied for a while.

Petter Level 9 Apr 30, 2018

There is only one solution. Find a comfortable chair. Settle into it. Squirm a little to get the cushions to conform. Sit there quietly for a few minutes and think about all that has led you to this point in life. Doing this will not provide you with any answers or generate a storm of creativeness. It will give justification. Once you have convinced yourself that there is never going to be another successful day at the desk, open your mouth and slip the barrel of the pistol in....

Of course I'm kidding. At least I think I am. What you are suffering is a momentary drying up of the creek. It happens to most writers. Not all, but most. There is no such thing as writer's block. Say that to yourself every damn day -- all day. Writer's block is a false diagnosis invented by some writer whose name is lost in the round file of history, and rightly so. It is a way for a writer to salve the conscience by making it appear it is out of his/her control. An act of the malicious muse. Time to face reality.

One of two things have happened -- maybe a combination of the two. You have stopped working for the moment. Your story has stopped working for the moment. There are a few ways to determine which or what combination and what ratio. The most common and successful is to ceremoniously leave whatever area you habituate when writing and take a long walk. Perhaps to Venus and back. When you return, avoid the temptation to go back to your writing because nothing will happen that will make you happy. Feed the dog/cat. Watch some televangelists for a few hours. Go to bed.

When you awaken, before you roll out of your warm spot, remember to say, "There is no such thing as writer's block." Say it ten times. Now you can go do what it is you normally do upon awakening. I won't pry into your routine or suggest anything. When you think you are ready to return to your writing, repeat the mantra first, then proceed to your desk. If nothing comes to you after all that, repeat this process. If after five or six days of this it still hasn't done the trick, return to the first paragraph and finish the last sentence.

Lol. Quite interesting. I will try that.


Cookies and take a local hike in the forest!!!...It works for me


Just keep writing. It will open back up. Perhaps change your routine, if you normally write in the morning try writing in the afternoon. If you normally write sober, get hammered and see what happens. But just keep writing.

Razorjelly Level 7 Apr 30, 2018

Sometimes I go to a public place (park, grocery store, etc.) and just sit on a bench and watch people . I think to myself, 'where are they going after this?' or 'why did she only buy a big bag of carrots?', and try to let my imagination fill in the before-and-after stories. I never do this when I'm stuck writing in the middle of a piece, but only if I'm having trouble starting. If I'm having trouble working on a current story, I take a couple of days away from writing, then re-read parts of the story that I'm already happy with that I've finished. I find that putting it out of my mind for those two days starts me up again...

twitch Level 7 Apr 30, 2018

I’m always dreaming up new stories. But besides some of the suggestions already made, I sometimes put my current story on hold and start outlining or gathering research for a different story. That sometimes will give my creative juices a jumpstart to get past writers block.

ChrisJones Level 6 Apr 30, 2018

I used to go for a walk alone.

pixiedust Level 8 Apr 30, 2018

Walk on, walk on, with hope in your heart and you`ll never walk alone xx

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