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I have a bit of a problem. Hopefully, some of you wonderful folks may be able to help me out with some relevant wisdom.

A little background, without going into too much detail:
I am a long-time gamer, especially tabletop roleplaying games. You don't need to know much about them for this, basically as long as you have heard of Dungeons and Dragons, you should be able to follow. I had, for several years, dreamed of writing my own game book/system. I had a job I loved, and that took my focus away from writing it, in a positive way, so that I didn't begin writing it yet.

Then, I got married to my now-ex, lost my job, life went on, all that. So I took up writing/creating the game. It is a very long process, since you have to test game balance while you write content, and there is a lot of content involved. Along with life in general, this has been several more years.

During this time, my ex became increasingly abusive, verbally and emotionally. She drank, blamed me for our financial troubles (even though she refused to work), tried to convince me that I should never go out to game nights (it wasn't what a real man would do), and that everyone hated it, me, and thought I was a failure.

This was something that was important to me, that I expressly asked for her support in, and that she claimed to be supportive of, all while undermining it and me at every bend.

It was extremely depressing. I don't have much conventional success to fall back on, this is one of the few things I can point to and say I'm proud of what I have achieved, and it was constantly and subtly attacked at every turn.

But I didn't give up on my game. I don't have the money to further the publication process at the moment (there is a lot of commissioned art involved), and may never have it, but I am set on completing what I set out to do.

And now my ex is no longer in the picture, except for the usual custody issues around our daughter and such. So I should be thrilled to get back to it without the strife she brought.

But I can't. Every time I even think about working on it, I get the same sinking, depressed feeling in my chest that I got whenever the subject would come up around her, when I knew it was about to turn into hours of me defending my right to have so much as a hobby simply because she wanted to exert control over me to such a degree.

It nags at me. "Finish your game. You are so close. You want this. You can't let it die." But the feeling persists, this sense of dread to pull out my laptop and start typing, this feeling of wrongness when I go to my game night. I thought I would get over it with some time, but it has been a full year since she left, and it feels as strong as it did then.

So my question is, have any of you experienced anything similar, and how have you overcome it, if you have? Do you have a specific technique or insight?

And, since this is a writing group, have any of you written or been involved in anything similar that you would care to discuss? That might better belong in the game group, but it seems appropriate here as well!

This post turned out a lot longer than I anticipated. Thank you for taking the time to indulge me. ?

DonThiebaut 7 May 26
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I would suggest two things: join a writers group in your area. They might be working on different types of things, but when you are in a group like that, you are usually expected to bring something in once a month. Good to get you "going" and I hope you do not take offense, but I also think you should join a support group just make sure it is not a "pity party" but a group of optimistic people who are encouraging and positive. I have a women's group that I belong to and we are amazing supportive of each other, but we also "push" each other when we feel we should. You kneed some support around you.

Also struggling with depression (which will pass, according to currently inaccessible experience). When you do mobilize, and you will, remember that misery loves company for good reason. Connection to positive others helps clear the mind of negative false debris. We are psychologically and emotionlly abused by hostile pronouncements that magnify our isolation.
It helps me to seek other perspectives, to write through the lethargy, to go for a long walk and get some sunshine. Simplistic? You bet.
Universal hug to you.


A year is not a long time in which to heal and recover from what you've been through. I have 3 ideas.

  1. Have you considered beginning your journey by writing game modules for other systems as a way to ease back into the flow? Less art is involved and you may find a more immediate market for your product. In addition, this might help reduce the emotional impact of the battering you endured.

  2. I also recommend making notes whenever an idea comes to you about your game, even if it's an idea you don't think you'll use. If you keep these notes in the same place, your confidence will grow as the collection of notes grows.

  3. Perhaps you could think of developing and writing your game as a story quest in itself. Each competed task is a found treasure or secret passage to another adventure.Reward yourself, as your own personal character, whenever you achieve a milestone. Heh, you could even use a dice roll to determine if you'll write at all at the moment, how many pages you'll write, if you'll revise a section or test an idea, etc.

Most important, find supportive people like the ones in this group.

pixiedust Level 8 May 27, 2018

Very interesting ideas! I'm glad, though not surprised, to see some other gamers in this group.

@DonThiebaut We are a tribe, brother. We draw together. I love gateway games where I have introduced non-gamers into it. Which, I guess, makes me a gamer pimp... 🙂

@Palindromeman You aren't the only one. I've turned a few myself. Are you in the gamer group?

@DonThiebaut No, I'm not in the gamer group - how do I get in?

@Palindromeman "The Game Room" Group

@Palindromeman Click on the "Meet" option in the menu bar above. Then choose the "Groups" option in the drop down menu. There is a magnifying glass icon near the top right of the page that pops up. If you click on that icon, you can enter "Game" into the search box. About 3 group names should show up. When you click on a group name,its home page opens and there is a Join button.

@pixiedust Done! Thank you!

@Palindromeman You're welcome!

Thanks for the good advice to Don Thiebaut.
I'm taking a shower and running out to get some dice. An excellent decision-making device. I also find a cheap timer with a loud alarm helpful.

@Dinamica A timer is a great idea!

I was inspired to combine two of your ideas. I'm making notes, and keeping them as sort of trophies, sticking them in a cluster on the wall in my office area. But instead of game ideas, they are the date, time, and what I accomplished that day. I only have 2 so far, but it is giving me something more to look forward to when I sit down to work. Between that and getting a chance to simply vent my feelings, I've picked up a bit. It may be a while before I feel completely at ease, but it's a marked improvement. Thanks! ?

@DonThiebaut That's super! I never thought of using a wall.


Okay, a few things here - and I will unleash my Australian ness.

First - f*ck every critic and the camels they rode in on (apologies to the camels there).

Second - you are creating. That is f*cking awesome.

Third - the past is the past. I would suggest you try to let it go. Oh, just to be clear, I am fcking working through my own issues at my end, but I do know what swimming to shore looks like. Gasping on the beach; out of breath and feeling complety fcked. But you made it to shore.

So, brother, push on. Make it yours.

@NotAndrew All the fucking swearing, I think. Yeah, that just about sums it up. 🙂


I wonder if Cognitive Behavioural Therapy might help you here? It seems as though you've basically had your head messed with by an outside influence (who has capitalised on your lowered self esteem) and now have a learned response to a thing. CBT is good at breaking this cycle. Here in the UK we can get it for free but I don't know what the state supports where you are.

Aside from that, the simplest approach you can take is to try and accept that you're entitled to do your thing, however much it may have offended your manipulative ex-... Humans need balance in our lives and to have something we love to do. Gaming is equally as justified as any other pastime, be it sports, collecting, watching movies or whatever. A hobby's awesomeness factor is irrelevant — it's just important that you have something that balances out your work life. Without it, you become ground down and out-of-touch with what does you good.

DaveMania Level 6 May 27, 2018

I'll look into it, but without a good healthcare plan, it's probably not available to me here. I'm perpetually envious of your healthcare system.


I'm so sorry. That is truly terrible

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