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Hello. I'm hoping to write my first book on how to reason with the faithful. I hope to get support, feedback, etc. from this group. Especially support as I am the kind that has started many books and then give up after the going gets tough. Still I want to become a writer, so maybe this group will provide the support I need to keep going.

rogeralyn 7 June 2
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Okies. There are scribblers (including me) here ready to support you.


I have about 100K words in print...and another 450K ready to go out. WRITE EVERY FUCKING DAY! zero excuses.

MissaDixon Level 7 June 2, 2018

Copy that. My daily budget is 500 words a day, minimum. It's like a muscle - you gotta use it.


Awesome! Go for it

Iowaguitar Level 6 June 2, 2018

Put some scribblings up, and we'll comment.

Petter Level 9 June 2, 2018

Best of luck arguing with the faithful. IMHO you would be better off consulting the 2nd amendment guys because its faith based. All it will come down to is like when a 6 year old argues with their mum "because I SAID SO." What might make interesting reading though is the agreements that they put forward. Record your conversations and collate them. StudsTerkel did this very successfully in "the Good War" and other books.

273kelvin Level 8 June 2, 2018

@rogeralyn To be fair, the difference between "reason" and "argue" will be lost on most religious believers. When you attempt to point out a fallacy in someone's identity, they will automatically take that as an argument. This is true of all humans when their beliefs tie directly to their identities, not just religious ones. The idea of white privilege still makes me prickly, even though I acknowledge that it is empirically true. My emotional self still wants to get defensive because I am white and that's part of my identity. Tell a professional gardener that they're using a harmful pesticide. Tell a Democrat or a Republican an unflattering but true fact about one of their candidates. Tell a soldier that war is never the answer. Tell a writer that words on a page are inferior to a photograph. Whether you are right or wrong about those things, you are probably headed for an argument. Reason plays a secondary role to emotion where our identities are concerned. You've got your work cut out for you. 🙂

@rogeralyn What goyalion said is true.

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