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I am guessing that some of you have read Pico Iyer. I recently read, and enjoyed his "The Long Road, The Global Journey of the Fourteenth Dalai Lama." One of the chapter headings had a quote that I find wonderful and have adopted it as my e-mail signature:
"It is the only thing we can do, Klass, I see no alternative, each of us must turn inward and destroy in himself all that he thinks he ought to destroy in others,” spoken by Etty Hillesum, on her way to her death, at twenty-nine, in Auschwitz.
I contacted Mr Iyer about the quote, and was told that it came to him from a book that he recommends to "all my friends." That book is "An Interrupted Life, and Letters From Westerbork," with a foreword by Eva Hoffman, by Etty Hillesum.
This is what Anne Frank might have written if she were a 27-28 year old woman, something, in my opinion, of an ode on existentialism.

BirdMan1 8 Dec 29
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