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Work with Hope:

BirdMan1 8 Sep 4
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There is a time for philosophy: it’s after reading and thinking on the first four chapters ( esp. the third and fourth chapters ) of Naomi Wolf’s book Vagina. She says that for men this material deserves its own book.

yvilletom Level 8 Oct 10, 2021

A lot of things mentioned were true in the past. We have reached a new episode in humans place on this Earth. We are being attacked from multiple sides and one major side is ourselves. We have shown a new level of stupidity and the seemingly desire to commit murder for the whole species. Right now there is a new variant of the virus. This virus does what all life does, it evolves. Seems the smaller the life form the quicker the change. We can't even get together on this one simple thing. Climate Change will be Mt. Everest compared to this pandemic.

I fully agree

Climate change will be Mt. Everest falling on us...squish.



BirdMan1 Level 8 Sep 4, 2021

Try This:

@BirdMan1 Again, more talk of adapting. According to Darwin survival of species is about adapting to change not strength or intelligence. Problem with the pandemic is that those who refuse to adapt are bringing others and our health systems down. That has brought adapting to a higher level.

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