5 5

. LOL I just learned something about why tRump has so many supporters. It’s called the Dunning-Kreuger effect [] Basically too stupid to realize how stupid you are. This is dependent on the metacognition [] or being "aware of one's awareness" and higher-order thinking skills.” I would categorize that as thinking about thinking in which, for me, critical thinking comes into play.

JackPedigo 9 Jan 8
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Yes, the Dunning-Kreuger effect was identified a good while ago, and it appears to explain a lot about the Trump supporters, including my son-in-law, who told me, a while ago that he did not even listen to what Trump had been saying, but lied the idea that he was upsetting people on both sides of the political spectrum, and that was enough for him!
Now, in the run-up to the 2020election, he has a new flag flying at the front of his house. It says "Trump 2020, No More Bullshit!" He's too stupid to realize that the BS has been emanating from none other than Trump, and his medi supporters, from the get-go!!!!!

BirdMan1 Level 8 Aug 4, 2019

Too many of these people refuse to understand that what they support will have just as many negative ramifications for them as the rest of us. In the end we all suffer.


The Dunning-Kreuger effect seems to have played out overnight here in Australia. Just had a phone call to say yesterday's federal election has put back the same Coalition party. I feel sick and saddened that we appear to have learned nothing from the last four years.

Jandii Level 4 May 18, 2019

This has been predicted for decades. I paid attention to the 1994 UN conference in Cairo on population. I constantly heard the no matter what your cause it is a lost cause unless we deal with overpopulation. We have refused to do so and, instead, let out hearts do our thinking for us. We are running out of resources and the present situation is simply a struggle for access to life giving resources. One tribe pits itself against others and we have what we have.


This meme reminded me of what you said



A major cause of the Dunning-Kreuger effect is instilling in to very young children the idea that they are in some way or another superior. By giving them a false sense of confidence self righteousness and infallibility you create a self justifying idiot who can never know he is an idiot because that in itself is, to him, a stupid idea.
Either by religion, ethnicity, religion the child is made to think they are privileged and must never let anyone tell them they are wrong, especially if that person is "other".

For example my father would never accept that he was wrong about anything if my mother corrected him, it was simply impossible that a woman, by virtue of being a woman, could possibly know better than him. Even if I or my brother backed up my mother as being correct, then he would say that proved his point as the woman was only parroting other men and did not understand what she was saying herself.

In the USA children are raised to believe themselves privileged to be citizens of the greatest country on earth, to be "white" American is both to be a member of the greatest nationality AND the superior race. TO be White American and MALE is to be unassailable regardless of any other factor such as education.

When Trump came along and showed himself as a White American Male who agreed with these self deluded idiots and justified their belief in their own false self confidence it simply reinforced what they "know" to be true and provided a totem to rally to.


It is also a function of manufactured consent, described so well by Chomsky. Not all of the trumpies are stupid. Many are, but not all. No more so than the Nazis. Scary, you know?

You don't have to be actually stupid to act in a stupid way, you simply need to have been indoctrinated with a false sense of what is and is not stupid.

Hatin Jews did not seem stupid to Nazis, it seemed completely logical, given the environment and the accepted norms under which they lived, not hating the dangerous Jewish Agenda, to them seems the hight of stupidity.

In the same way that today the "Trans Agenda" does not seem a stupid idea to those who believe it exists and fear it.

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