2 0

Hello, Terrafriends. Happy terraseasonal holidays. Thank you for receiving me here.
What do you think about a moral/ethical interpretation of the relativity law?( Decoding/reinterpreting one-stone (einstein). The (ethical) law of relativity: E=mc to 2. (Finite) Life Energy is love (coded "m", fr. "aime", "amour" ) of shared (to 2) culture ( c). A unique, mirable, finite CosmoTerraFamily learning and protecting better their overtormented world. One-stone for one, mirable, finite Com-peace. Also, relativity can be defined as the philosophy, the quality etc. of relations. Other ideas: Less toxicity for terraprotectivity. Panarchy, not vote. Pangratuity, not money etc.
We need also unity and good science. no-el=no-L=no-lies=non-mensonges (fête rationalisée) stop overtox (,, [] ) With terragood, tipi

tipi 7 Dec 27
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What does ethics have to do with this. I see no relationship whatsoever.

wordywalt Level 9 June 21, 2021


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