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Godel on the afterlife.

The discovery in my early 50's of Godel's incompleteness theorems remains the most impactful intellectual discovery of my life. If you are not familiar, I encourage you to learn more about it. It is succinctly summarized in this article.


Mitch07102 8 Jan 6
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Godel's 2 incompleteness theorems seem to be a precursor of the ideas later postulated in Quantum theory that the rules of physics and mathematics break down at the microscopic and microscopic levels and the seem to exist in a "Goldilocks" zone of reality where the cumulative effects of microscopic activity present a balanced and measurable set of seemingly unbreakable rules before on a macroscopic level they begin to break down again (as in the case of Black holes for example) and implode in on themselves.

Or perhaps I am completely misunderstanding them.


I agree that Godel's Incompleteness Theorems are remarkable and awesome, but this is mostly about Godel's personal religious beliefs. He has good reason, based on his theorems, to denounce the falsity of absolute Materialism and even to hint at the existence of a "god", though that is undefined and indeterminate, but his illogical leap that the human soul is eternal simply does not follow. It is based on personal assumptions, beliefs, and eternal hope, certainly not on mathematical theorems.


We all are looking to find what works for us. The more intellectual curiosity one has the more we wonder and think about the many unknowable stuff out there. In many ways our thoughts create our reality and we go out into the world and the parameters we use to identify and set our boundaries for what filters in are individual to each of us. If it works for ya, go ahead on but do not force others to join your group by using fear and hate. That's how I try to run my pile of stardust, mind my own belief system not someone else's.


Risibly ironic that an esteemed logician should devise an "ontological proof".


That afterlife belief: Houdini left a lot of money and a secret word, and his wife tried in vain for decades to hear it...mediums, psychics, and assorted others tried far Nothing.


I keep holding the view that you do not have a soul. Instead, you are a soul. Belief in a soul, something that you have and possess, goes back into the madness of religions.

DenoPenno Level 9 Jan 6, 2024
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