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Eight mummies discovered in Egypt
Updated 30th November 2018


Aivery 7 Nov 30
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Discovering mummies is now news; but once they were so common that they were used to power steam locomotives.


It's beautiful!

Carin Level 8 Dec 1, 2018

With migrations of both Homo Sapiens and their predecessors having traveled through the Nile Valley, who knows exactly how much archaeological material/evidence still remains buried in the layers of silt that the Nile left behind after each annual flood.
Who knows how many, as yet undiscovered, Ancient Egyptian tombs/Burial sites are still waiting to be found considering that Ancient Egypt itself was around centuries before Djoser had Imhotep, his friend, Vizier, Architect and the Father of Medicine, etc, design and build the first Pyramids at Saqqara?

Triphid Level 9 Nov 30, 2018

It will be very interesting as to what all we will find out here.

DenoPenno Level 9 Nov 30, 2018
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