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evidence of the silk road and the role of women in manuscript writing

Medieval women’s early involvement in manuscript production suggested by lapis lazuli identification in dental calculus

During the European Middle Ages, the opening of long-distance Asian trade routes introduced exotic goods, including ultramarine, a brilliant blue pigment produced from lapis lazuli stone mined only in Afghanistan. Rare and as expensive as gold, this pigment transformed the European color palette, but little is known about its early trade or use. Here, we report the discovery of lapis lazuli pigment preserved in the dental calculus of a religious woman in Germany radiocarbon-dated to the 11th or early 12th century. The early use of this pigment by a religious woman challenges widespread assumptions about its limited availability in medieval Europe and the gendered production of illuminated texts.


Lukian 8 Jan 16
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This is much mire detailed than the facebook submission I saw earlier , that showed what appeared to be upper frontal dental work , with tiny holes , where chips of the mineral had been embedded , I believe from the artist perhaps touching the roof of her mouth with the end of the brush having tiny particles embedded in it .

Cast1es Level 9 Jan 16, 2019


Yeah I thought it looked like dental work too--trying to tighten up a loose tooth. This is very interesting to get more details.


Good read. Thanks.

Mooolah Level 8 Jan 16, 2019

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