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Is this a new twist on St. Brendan? Erin Go Bragh

Surfpirate 9 Mar 6
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Assuming that even if the irish immigration were accidental, there is a North Atlantic current (see blue line on photo) that could of conceivably have brought an errant set of voyagers in contact with the Georgias and Carolinas coast. it is likely that celtic fisherman and sailors ventured far enough away enough from Ireland shores to catch the current off the shores of Iceland, become a viable colonizing population. Emigrating would have to be their intent. Unless I am mistaken, most fishing and sailing crews were predominantly male. A male only crew stranded on the Carolina shores could not maintain a colony of Irish emigres. Without females, they could not sustain the population unless:

  1. They purposely brought females along on the voyage with the intent of colonization; or
  2. They interbred with local indigenous inhabitants; or
  3. They had a regular supply route between the Carolinas and Ireland.

If the later (3) is true, it seems that some written record should exist of this phenomenon, even if recorded as a rumor. The Spanish were deeply invested in world exploration and prolific recorders of history (biased by religious paradigm, but prolific recorders none the less).

This post no way seeks to disparage the article, or even the possibility of an pre-Columbus colonization. Just posing some things to think about.

t1nick Level 8 Mar 17, 2019

Cool ?

bobwjr Level 10 Mar 6, 2019

Looks very much like the Columbus story is well and truly debunked at last.

Triphid Level 9 Mar 6, 2019

It already the vikings.


It would make sense that the Irish would be the one to establish a colony in America. There is evidence that Irish and Portugeese fishermen frequented the Grand Banks in the early1400's and tha Irish priests travel with the Vikings on their voyages to the west.

L'Anse aix Meadows is clear evidence that the Vikings had colonies in the New World before Columbus sailed in a mill pond.

@Surfpirate There is a site in Nova Scotia where a Viking rune stone was found as well.


Just in time for St. Patty's day!

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