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Stonehenge: DNA reveals origin of builders


Jnei 8 Apr 16
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I read this. Amazing.

Amisja Level 8 Apr 16, 2019

Lets remember this is brought to us through science not some abra kadabra dogma. It boggles my mind that so many people decry science (yet they use the latest cell phones, flat screen ultra HD TV's, medical advances and on and on) while, at the same time deny scientific findings that may counter their self-serving beliefs.

JackPedigo Level 9 Apr 16, 2019

Science also brought you "the bombs!" And a lot of chemical and biological weapons (of mass destruction). And it's a 2-bladed sword - What about those who died from polio vaccines (even though it helped most folks)? Those who died wouldn't probably even consider the "good" that has been brought about for others. And what is going to happen when all the "hopefully helpful" drugs that the sick and diseased take (that don't break down to harmless products) ends up in the water supply and people get residually medicated as a permanent situation? Every bottle (container) of every drug/medication ends up in somebody's sewage system (with hopes that they will all breakdown to harmless end products), but they won't!

@mkeaman Science is science and is often not exact and sometimes doesn't include unintended consequences. Also, science makes no distinctions good or bad (like nature). It simply is what it is.

@JackPedigo Exactly. Science is not the problem. It’s the application.


I'm enjoying the gradual pushing back of dates for civilisation and the end of the assumption that it started with agrarian societies.

brentan Level 8 Apr 16, 2019

interesting. this seems to support the classic idea of a farming group expanding from the fertile crescent after the last mini-ice age. the logic and knowledge that built those first communities traveled west across Europe replacing the small bands of hunter-gatherers with larger groups of farmers.

JeffMesser Level 8 Apr 16, 2019

And what is the origin of the hunter-gatherers? Who were they and where and when and how did they come?


According to 23andMe, I share the same haplo group as cheddar man.

I haven't really looked into the science since my purpose is to find living relatives but interesting all the same.

Lucy_Fehr Level 8 Apr 16, 2019

Interestingly, when the DNA of Cheddar Man was studied in the 1990s, a direct descendant was discovered - still living in the same area! []

@Jnei Thanks for sharing the link! Very fascinating.


Very cool 😎

bobwjr Level 10 Apr 16, 2019

Well, considering that origins of the Keltoi (Celts) is believed have been in and around that region then it is more possible.

Triphid Level 9 Apr 16, 2019

The Celts are generally thought to have originated from a bit further north in what is now Austria, based on what we know of the Hallstat Culture. Stonehenge was already old by the time they arrived in Britain, of course!

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