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Trajan's column in Rome. Shame they put a pope on top of it. Even though this is a monument raised over a genocide it's still something worth seeing.

qpr81 5 June 1
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The sunlight behind the statue at the top...excellent. I tried to zoom in on the details...couldn't get much closer. Any more close-up shots of the carvings? impressive!

Robecology Level 9 June 1, 2019

@qpr81 Even more impressive.
Stunning detail.
What's the age of this?
The scale and size of the work?
Just incredible!

@qpr81 Wow; Now this might be a place to visit for me....



Well I suppose that one could say, that like Trajan, at least 80% of the Popes have been the High Commanders of Genocides as well.

Triphid Level 9 June 1, 2019

My understanding is that Trajan was a very good commander. I don't know about the genocide.

MojoDave Level 9 June 1, 2019

@qpr81 Funny how that often happens when you have a lot of gold. 😉

@Surfpirate Yeah, you've only got to take a look at what the Spanish did to that Central and South American Peoples when they discovered that those native peoples had lots and lots of gold, i.e. Genocide in the name of God, Jesus and the Holy Catholic Church all under the pretense of ' bringing the Love of God and Jesus to the Heathens.'

@Triphid The conquistadors greed was only surpassed by their cruelty towards the native people. When we lived in Ecuador there was a small town called Seville d'Oro in the mountains that used to be a colonial seat of power and the governor was so cruel and demanding of yearly tributes of gold from the natives that the local people eventually rose up in revolt. On the night before the annual tribute was due, native warriors attacked the town and killed everyone of the Spanish invaders. The governor had molten gold poured down his throat to quench his thirst for gold and the Spanish moved their outpost to Cuenca after that.


Yup impressive

bobwjr Level 10 June 1, 2019

Very interesting that the carvings , which are exquisite , go out of range of visibility .It would be interesting to see all of them .

Cast1es Level 9 June 1, 2019
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Posted by qpr81Trajan's column in Rome. Shame they put a pope on top of it. Even though this is a monument raised over a genocide it's still something worth seeing.

Posted by qpr81Trajan's column in Rome. Shame they put a pope on top of it. Even though this is a monument raised over a genocide it's still something worth seeing.

Posted by qpr81Trajan's column in Rome. Shame they put a pope on top of it. Even though this is a monument raised over a genocide it's still something worth seeing.

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