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So my 6 year old son has been playing with the neighborhood kids. I sit in my front yard and keep an eye on things. Depending on what they are playing and which kids it is he sometimes does ok. But most of the time he is overly agresive, doesn't follow the rules, and loves to tease and engages in behavior that looks like bullying, except he is the youngest and smallest one there. It doesn't rise to anything physical. To the credit of the other kids they seem to tolerate it somewhat and "play around it". I can see their irritation and I have seen them avoiding him at times. For example, they were hitting a baseball today and he started playing with them. But then he began running for the ball when anyone threw it to the pitcher. If he got it first he would run from the pitcher yelling " ha ha you can't get it" until the pitcher caught up and just took it from him. Most of them are older but there's two his age and they are all 10 and under. I try to let them work it out as much as possible but I do stop him from being really mean at times.
I am so worried about him. I don't know what to do as to most he just seems mean. I understand that he's not really understanding how the other kids are feeling and I try to explain it to him. I understand that it's related to his social deficits but of course the other kids don't. It breaks my heart when they avoid him, although I fully understand. He's made so much progress since being diagnosed as ASD level 2 and not really being verbal. Casual observers usually assume he is neurotypical. He's had extensive behavioral, speech and OT for 3 years and we have had training and our house revolves around it. For a while I was hoping that he would be able to go to just public school and have less and less therapy and end up a fully independent adult. Now I don't see that anymore and I'm worried that as he gets older he may get into serious trouble and/or be socially isolated, dependent upon us, and unable to hold down a job.

towkneed 7 Nov 2
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Hi, I am a Special Education Teacher I use social stories not just for children on the spectrum. They are a really good way to explain a situation and how someone else might be feeling, you can even write them with your son so that he is processing the situation as you write it. A search for social stories will get you a plethora of pages so here is one to start off with. []

I was teaching 15 year old last year and we wrote out social stories to match their goals and for one boy it was following a direction so when he started to ark up we just grabbed his social story and put it in front of him, because he had written it he knew what was in it and would generally calm back down and while still annoyed would do what was requested of him.

So for the situation of the ball something like
I like to play baseball with the other kids.
I like to catch the ball.
We have to work as a team. (this could be a whole other story on how to be part of a team)
That means I can not always catch the ball.
If I run from pitcher he/she gets sad and the game does not work. The other team could win.
If I throw the ball to the pitcher then they are happy and my team could win.

Use pictures to illustrate the parts of the story, if you are working with a speech therapist then talk to them about the level of the language to use.
Read the story to him before he goes out to play with the kids, heck read it to all of the kids so they get the idea of what he is trying to learn, if they encourage the behaviour they want he will do it more often.

Good Luck

Budgie Level 8 Jan 15, 2021



He has many years ahead of him to get this right. He should absolutely have social skills groups to help him learn to read faces. He needs to learn play skills. It does help. We run them at school but you can also do them privately. He needs to be taught theory of mind. I am a special education teacher and the coordinator for 2 schools in DC. We do this a lot. Do not despair, he has years of growth ahead of him.

GreatNani Level 8 Nov 2, 2019

Thanks. This makes me feel better.


There may be a change coming at his age. Sometimes around 7 years this happens. Can't really say why, it just does. Have a read of Paiget, Bandura and many others for some hint, but more information may come from Lorna Wing or Simon Baron-Cohen (yes, he is related to Borat actor and writer Shasa Baron-Cohen).
Seems to me you are doing the right thing. Don't panic.

Sofabeast Level 7 Nov 2, 2019

I never understood the theory of mind until much later.. I believe that I may have been a young adult when I did. I learned through reading books, and online chats.


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