4 10

A Canadian Woman will work along side her partner but don't try and tell her what to do or get all patriarchal, unless you want her to take an axe and give you 40 whacks with it. 😉

Surfpirate 9 Nov 1
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Good. This motherfucker isn't my boss or I'm not his personal mommy slave. Clean and cook for your own dam self! Or better yet, for the both of us. 😉 😛

I agree, the better cook should do the cooking, makes for happier tummies. My wife was a pretty poor cook when we first met but over the last couple of decades she has learned a lot from me and adapted her own cooking style, we split things about 50 50 now in the kitchen. We are both kitchen nazis so it's best that we cook separately. lol


About right ,its not about you lol ,Now tell her you will share all those duties with her and you will have a loving kind heated wife for ever,But she will still keep the axe handle above the door as a constant reminder , lol

RoyMillar Level 9 Nov 1, 2020

At least it will be quick, what else could I ask for. Went it is time it is time.


I will take the Canadian woman, I want someone who will work along side me, share in what we do, and have fun doing it. I would also go along with her to do things she would like to do. I am not trying to be controlling as that would limit what I would learn and enjoy.

There are days when I hope the Canada / US border never reopens.

@Surfpirate There aren't too many women like those thankfully and you can see Biden has the majority of women not trump .

@Besalbub for sure

@Besalbub although Trump and his pals just put one on the bench of SCOTUS

Yes that is a must ,go along and enjoy what she likes also and support her plus allow her her own personal time out withthe girls etc

@Surfpirate Agreed.

@Surfpirate I unfortunately feel the same. 😕


Maybe I was stolen from Canadians as a baby.

Certainly not out of the question. 🙂

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