12 8

Does anyone else still once and awhile get a feeling like they're scared of getting busted for smoking weed in their own home?

I just got that feeling and had to give my head a shake lol.

Umbral 8 Nov 13
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Yea my wife doesn't allow smokers or tokers to partake in the house . I have to go out on the porch or to the shop . The deputies don't really care what I do on my property if it was legal they might be doing it too ( at least many have told me so ) .

Besalbub Level 8 Nov 23, 2018

I never shared that fear really because a home is your castle people an when anyone an that includes the law which has to have a good reason to invade that home an anyone's privacy. Its legal now you can finally come out of that closet an not fear "the Man"


Now legal, BUT the GOVERNMENT are Now the PUSHER'S, must be bought at their store's and only smoked in certain areas


If you end up busting yourself, to yourself, just demand you plead the 5th. 😀

MacStriker Level 7 Nov 14, 2018

No smoking anything in my house


Quit that stuff long ago


I don't use (yet)

Lukian Level 8 Nov 13, 2018

Can you trust the gouvernement?

Peter17 Level 3 Nov 13, 2018

Well, this would be a pretty elaborate sting, so I'm going to this time. ?

All you have to do is look at the mean lil man in the states an the tirades he goes on an the lemmings who follow him right over the edge.All you have to do is look at their mid terms.


LOL. Not even legal where I am in and I don't feel that...

maxhyde Level 7 Nov 13, 2018

I live in an area where ideas about weed are a bit behind the times.

@Umbral yeah. I definitely get that. The state I am in for sure is that way. The city and area of the city I am in maybe not on that level


I smoked outside a Casino waiting for a concert last week.. legally.. in the smoking area. Felt bizarre for sure. But fun!!

Davekp Level 8 Nov 13, 2018

It is more fun now for me actually! Once I get past that little throw back feeling, it's way more relaxed. I mean, of course I was relaxed before or I wouldn't have partaken, but now it's just as it should be. Legal, safe and natural.

@Umbral Yeah..'m not a heavy smoker anymore and I pick my times like an adult haha.. but I'm waiting for the first RIDE stop. Hah..we'll see how that goes. I want to know what happens if they don't believe you when you deny having recently puffed.


I haven't smoked weed in decades, thinking about getting some CBD oil though, for a knee I messed up years ago that is giving me trouble.

Surfpirate Level 9 Nov 13, 2018

There is a CBD cream that works well too have had both knees replaced.


No, I don't use.

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