7 2

OK fellow cat slaves your advice is requested. I'm currently on the mend from having a total knee replacement surgery, however I wish my cat was on the mend as she is driving me crazy with her yowling. She yowls to tell me she wants her tray cleaning, she yowls to tell me she wants food, she then yowls because she won't eat that food, she yowls going to bed. She looks very healthy shiny fur, shiny damp nose, clean breath, poo a little sloppy but no blood, urine clear no sign of pain other than occassional hip arthritis.
I think her end is nigh after 22 years of very good companions​hip.
Has anyone got any suggestions.

FrayedBear 9 Nov 7
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At that age, anything could be going on. It could be a from a physical issue or from becoming a little daft.


When my cat was 17 he yowled for months. I finally took him to the vet and he had tumors in his lungs. When you’re able to get him to a vet for X-rays. I’m sorry to tell you this but it can be a sign of discomfort.

Sydland Level 7 Nov 9, 2018

Leaving the light on the last two nights has so far stopped it but there again it could be a change in the barometric pressure.


The "yowling" is what our sweet Rummy did for most of her last year with us. She was 20 at that time and she, too, didn't display any signs of pain or discomfort - I think the yowling may be because of some kind of mental disorientation or confusion....she did it mostly early in the mornings and around sundown. So give her as much love and attention as you can... so sorry you're having to deal with this. 😟

Lavergne Level 8 Nov 9, 2018

Last night I left a light on in the lounge, her day bedroom and wonder of wonders she came and said goodnight at midnight but returned to the lounge. She then never disturbed me until 6 am. I fed her and cleaned her litter she then let me have another hour and a half before niggling that she could hear the birds outside and wanted to join them. She has been pretty good until now when she has just had her first caterwauling, I hope because I ate my late 3pm. brunch rather than clean her litter tray. Fingers crossed. I've also started giving her a 4 gram dose of fish oil each day. If nothing else it will make her fur soft and shiny.


I'd have someone come over and help you out till you recover. Old cats can be demanding but it sounds like she's still healthy and just noisy.

Are you offering??

@FrayedBear lol I don't know. Where do you live. Lol

@HeathenWoman ? Australia. ?

@FrayedBear oh no way. I don't have the money to travel to the next city.


I have heard of that. When they get old, their ability to see, hear, and smell get bad and sometimes this is the result. There is a spray that calms them down. I do know it is on-line and for a bit more, at the vets. It might help. I have one for my dog and it seems to help when we are doing something new and perhaps scary.

Hathacat Level 9 Nov 8, 2018

I will look into that.


Im not sure about its availability in Australia but ive noticed some shops around here that carry CBD hemp oil products and some of them have a version for pets. If shes just a bit uncomfortable n cranky because of it that might chill her out if you can find it.

Wurlitzer Level 8 Nov 7, 2018

An interesting thought. I doubt legal here though.

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