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It was a beautiful evening in Chicago. A massive rainbow was in the sky, and I went for the first time to Vaca’s Creamy, a vegan ice cream shop that I think is pretty new. I got the candy bar sundae, which had chocolate syrup, peanuts, and a cashew-based caramel, or, as they call it, dulce de leche. It was delicious! There was quite a line at the creamery. It was so nice to see Chicago support a local, small, vegan business.

P.S. I’m not sure why my photo keeps showing up sideways. Sorry!

MeggieCleary 6 June 30
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I'm allergic to peanuts. But your ice cream looks delicious. Glad you had a wonderful day in Chicago


Your ice cream looks like the mountain in the picture at my grandmother's house. She loved that picture. And I always said the mountain looked like chocolate ice cream with frosting.
By the way, if you like ice cream that much, you can try making it yourself. I recently learned how to make ice cream with cream, coconut yogurt, banana and caramel. It tastes wonderful. I used to eat ice cream out of plastic cups. But sometimes I use a snoopy snow cone machine. If you don't know what it is, read about the story of its invention. It's really interesting.

MariamWQ Level 4 Jan 9, 2023

A beautiful evening, a rainbow and a sundae.😃
Lucky! 😃

Wildgreens Level 8 July 2, 2021

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Posted by MeggieClearyIt was a beautiful evening in Chicago.

Posted by MeggieClearyIf any of you like loose-leaf teas, I wonder whether you’ve tried Chicago’s own Tiesta Tea.

Posted by MeggieClearyIf any of you like loose-leaf teas, I wonder whether you’ve tried Chicago’s own Tiesta Tea.

Posted by Curt3900Hi im from the border of ill and wisconsin Been here forever. Its hard to find freethinkers anywhere.... Can I join?

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