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Hey folks, I am in Florida looking after my Dad for awhile. I have lived on the North Side for 30 years first in the Belmont area, then I got a condo in Rogers Park for a bunch of years before moving to a Sheridan Road highrise in Edgewater. I miss Chicago EVERY.SINGLE.DAY. I bought a Chicago Flag from W.G.N. Flags to fly on the house here and cheer myself up!

Off and on I would go to the Ethical Humanist Society at Howard, Skokie Blvd. and Lincoln Ave. The people were always very nice but the congregation was actually pretty small. For awhile the weekly speakers were really uninteresting and then somebody else was put in charge and the presentations got much better. Worth looking into if a speaker interests you.

DeStijl 6 Feb 9
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Enjoy being online again!

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I grew up in Rogers Park and lived in Edgewater as a young adult. Chicago's a great town. I have friends who are members of the Ethical Humanist Society but it's a little inaccessible to me from the far NW suburbs.

Wow, nice! I had a condo on Greenview across from Kilmer Elementary for a lot of years then moved to Park Tower on Sheridan. I got so spoiled by the perfect location---all the express buses and the Berwyn L stop, Jewel and Mariano's half a block away in either direction, all the restaurants on Bryn Mawr, and the Kitchen Sink on Berwyn---a little gem of the neighborhood! I also loved that Park Tower is a voting precinct in itself and there would always be several Democratic poll workers while one or two Republican poll workers would just sit there and eat doughnuts all day.

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Posted by MeggieClearyIt was a beautiful evening in Chicago.

Posted by MeggieClearyIf any of you like loose-leaf teas, I wonder whether you’ve tried Chicago’s own Tiesta Tea.

Posted by MeggieClearyIf any of you like loose-leaf teas, I wonder whether you’ve tried Chicago’s own Tiesta Tea.

Posted by Curt3900Hi im from the border of ill and wisconsin Been here forever. Its hard to find freethinkers anywhere.... Can I join?

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