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I'll let this stand on it's own for this group.

PadraicM 7 Feb 28
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Aaaand, why the hell do you get tax incentives for having children? It should be opposite. If you have a child, that is a burden to society because our tax dollars will be used throughout the lifespan of that child.. being single you do not create a burden, so you should pay less, not more.


My condo apt. community pretty much requires people to be 55 or older and they cannot have any young kids living with them, so things are pretty quiet here. I used to live in a college town with my late wife in a neighborhood that had some student apartments down the block and across the street. And so, after that experience, when it came time for me to find a place to live on my own in the town where my job was, it was a pretty easy choice to live around my parent's age group rather than around people young enough to be my kids, had I ever chosen to have any.


The difference is the pet owners are not organized like the child owners are. They banded together to bar discrimination, pet owners still haven't gotten over their preference for their pet of choice over other's choice. cats over/under dogs, fish over reptiles, birds etc.

glennlab Level 10 Feb 28, 2021

Ain't it the truth, like everything involving legislation and lobbying. Why do the rich, corporations, and the military get all the breaks and money from the govt.? Because they have so many lobbyists and the best ones. Childless folks, like all the rest of us peasants, have no lobbyists.


No justice no peace.

Mooolah Level 8 Feb 28, 2021


UrsiMajor Level 8 Feb 28, 2021
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