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I applaud all restaurants that have gone "child free"....I hope someday that airlines will also offer "Adult ONLY" flights 🙂

SkotlandSkye 8 July 2
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I would pay extra for childfree dining or travel. Sadly I have not seen any childfree diners near me. ?


Ah, yes .... I have stopped allowing people to bring their brats into my home. I am simply appalled at their behavior and equally appalled at the parents for not controlling their little miscreants. The urchins turn on the TV w/o asking, put music on the stereo w/o asking, go to fridge and help themselves w/o asking, go into the bedroom and bathroom and snoop around, jump on the furniture. smdh ... the parents will not control their brats and get angry at me for correcting the little criminals ... so .... no more children allowed in my home.

SKH78 Level 8 July 2, 2018

applause! I run a childfree BnB 🙂 and there are no kids allowed in my personal home either!

We used to have friends come over with their kids and we had to lock up our dogs because they are big and can get a bit rowdy. Ummm, no more of that. My dogs are my kids. They will not be locked up so other people’s kids can have the run of the house. No more kids in this house.


Dear Zod I hate hearing a screaming kid (or for that matter seeing one act like a little damn fool) while I'm trying to eat

My gf hates that I'll do stuff like this, but I had a kid come to my table before and stare at me; I simply said loudly "Can someone please collect this spawn!" It started an argument between the parent and I, but in the end the restaurant agreed with me that the kid shouldn't be bothering other patrons... so score 1 for child free ?


When I flew recently at the airport bathroom a mom was changing a toddler and he was being upset and beating her up. Outside a couple laden with luggage and strollers had to deal with three screaming crying little children. I was so glad I was only traveling with my stuffy monkey.

graceylou Level 8 July 2, 2018

I have never understood the "let my kids beat on me" movement. It's just appalling to me and is asking for a new generation that has no respect.

@LilIrishRose This child may have something clinical may be hyperactivity of some kind and the mother tried to tell him to stop because it was getting too much attention. May be I could have offered a hand but I know nothing about handling toddlers. Dogs would have been a different matter.

I can't understand why parents allow their children to beat on them, or beat on other adults. When I used to be receptionist (Child Protection Services), I would observe little boys hitting their mothers, or beating on other children. The mothers would not control their sons. I saw a 6 year old boy punch his 3 year old sister in the mouth, knocking her down. The mom hugged and kissed her son and said "Please don't tease your baby sister." She ignored the toddler lying on the floor screaming in pain. Shaking my damn head.

@SKH78 Yes, I've seen several little boys hitting adults or other kids and not get stopped or reprimanded for doing it. My adopted male cousin, as a child, had a macaw as a family pet. My brothers and I were horrified when he hit the bird several times during our visit at their house. We tried to get him to stop but we got reprimanded for yelling at him. It's their family pet and the monster of a toddler could do what he wanted. We did not want to play with him or be around him because he was out of control. He became juvenile delinquent, joined gangs, and now is an adult who cannot hold a job and keep relationships. Not to mention, he is probably involved in delinquent/criminal activities. This child at the airport was probably not more than 2 years old. He was not just hitting; he was beating her mom in the head pretty hard (surprising for such a small child to have that much force). If I were his mother, he would have been dealt more sternly (though I would not use physical punishment). He would know why it's not appropriate and if he were having an episode of some kind due to a disability I would remind him how to control it (I did study to become an educational assistant once). That said, this was a public space where people were watching and the mother might have been in a rush, so she just wanted to get done as fast as possible changing his diaper.

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