7 4

I started a new job recently and when one co-worker found out I'm married but don't have kids, she was incredulous. She kept saying things like - 'You must be really rich, not having to pay for the upkeep of any offspring'. She said she didn't think people without children were selfish, but her general attitude was that such people are irresponsible and a bit feckless and shouldn't complain about low wages or any kind of financial commitments. In other words, she thought people without kids live a care-free, almost immature life, free from the obligations, responsibilities and duties of other 'normal' child-rearing members of society. Does anyone here think her attitude was inappropriate? I'm reluctant to complain to management because I'm a new member of the department and don't really want to cause trouble. Thoughts, please.

Godless12 5 July 6
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It's a no-win situation. So now we are irresponsible for not having children? I thought irresponsible was defined by 16 and pregnant or people having welfare babies or out-of-control children on drugs or doing school shootings..

I secretly used to chuckle at self-proclaimed "fiscal conservatives" who have all these children. A true fiscal conservative says "Nope" to that debt. You can call me fiscally irresponsible;e for having a dog though.

UrsiMajor Level 8 July 31, 2018

Thanks for the helpful comment - much appreciated, but I resigned from the job last month (for lots of reasons). Alas, this kind of judgemental attitude persists amongst the unenlightened.


I was over 40 before I married. At 40 are you married any children? When I would say no. So many people would say oh I see you are gay. I'm not but if I were who cares.


Heh, to be honest, it sounds a bit like she's met and judged my other half and me. We both have a little Peter Pan syndrome in us - with no intentions of growing up. Our main expense is travel, as we spend much of our extra time visiting new places and revisiting old favorites. We eat and drink a bit more than we should, with no babysitter required.
We spoil our cats and the children our friends and family have, but that's cheap compared to the talk I hear of preschools and worse. We save for our future and our retirement, not college. I'm sorry you get painted by the brush intended for us, though.

synergy Level 6 July 7, 2018

I'm single , but I have similar issues. People just don't know what the reality is. I do feel that this type of attitude is inappropriate and even condescending.

Bakunin Level 7 July 7, 2018

I wish these intrusive people would STFU and get a life. I quit several jobs because of nasty co-workers constantly running me down for being single and interrogating me about my private life. Too bad some people are so BORED.

SKH78 Level 8 July 7, 2018

I've received flack from being single, not married, no kids. Everyone thinks I live this "Peter Pan life," which is COMPLETELY different from my actual James Bond Lifestyle. [j.k]
But in all seriousness, everyone thinks I'm loaded, or saving too much. They couldn't be further from the truth. In discussions, they've said, "Well, you don't have any kids, so you don't understand how expensive 'this' or 'that' is." and my reply is usually, "Actually, I do know how much 'this' or 'that' costs, another great reason to NOT have children. If you feel these children limit you from things, then you should not have had them. You waive the right to complain about limitations the kids have given if you boast about all the joy it is to have kids."

MacStriker Level 7 July 6, 2018

I have successful cousins who travel the world and have great jobs and contribute greatly to the community through organizations and charities. Someone wanted to set one of them up on a date and he said no b/c he would end up getting married and lose his traveling-around-the world lifestyle.


I have a meme for you to give her. I will upload it to the meme thread, since you can't put pictures in comments. I really hate the attitude. Some of us choose not to have kids because: we don't have lots of money; we don't have lots of time; we are chronically ill, so we don't have lots of energy. We are no different than anyone else. We sometimes have money problems, no time, no energy.

Many thanks. You are right.

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