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I'm not going to make that gamble.

I despise the notion that "well, I didn't want to be a parent either but...."

  • I just pulled myself by my o'l bootstraps and dealt with it anyways.
    -it all changes when you see that little thing that sorta looks like you.
    -everyone has to do it eventually.
    -it all changes when you have one.
    Or the one everyone here has heard and cringes at
    -what if you meet that perfect partner?

As I mentioned above, I'm not going to make that gamble on a literal life that has no choice in it being thrust into this oh so wacky world we live in.

It's not selfish of me to make the choice to literally end my genetic line based on brutally honest introspection. If anything it should be lauded as a tough but necessary choice that everyone ought to make.

There are no guarantees in life. A happy existence is owed to no one, it's carved out of this little green and blue marble floating in space, and there are many that never realize that desire.

Also that 'perfect partner' counter always pisses me off on principal, if that partner is indeed 'perfect' then they'll be as interested in having kids as I am; which is not. f*#&ing. ever.

tirade over. 🙂

What are some of your oh so favorite arguments people throw at your face when you mention not wanting kids? How do you counter them?

BeardedWonder 6 Aug 4
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I never wanted children either but I was a foster parent for a while and now I have an 83 year old toddler, i.e., my mother. My foster son has lost his father and step father so now I am what he has left and we get along fine. Although he did stay in Texas after his 20 in the Army. Where did I go wrong?

Wrytyr Level 7 Aug 4, 2018

You didn't go wrong at all, you provided for someone in their time of need and bestowed a sense of purpose, individuality, loyalty, and responsibility.

Fostering is not even close to being as inherently selfish as wanting your own just cause it'll kind of look like you or whatnot; If anything it's noble so kudos there!

Maybe he just liked Texas, I was enamored by that state and I just vacationed there a few times. Hell I was stationed in Fort Drum in upstate NY, I would've never even considered that part of the country, but part of me always longs to go back there even though all my family is here in VA.

@BeardedWonder I joke about Texas because I was born there but do not consider myself to be a 'Texan'. I know I did well with him because he once told me that my ex and I were the swift kick in the ass that he needed right when he needed it. I am very proud of him even though he has drunken too much orange Kool Aid and after serving in the USAF myself, taking him in was the best thing that I've ever done.

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