5 2

Not surprised by the Texas plates....was sad to see the Star Wars sticker on the same window...

The daughter should get a sticker to put at the bottom that says "AND THAT IS WHERE THEY WILL STAY!!"

SkotlandSkye 8 Aug 12
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ughhh. This mentality pisses me off. We have over 7 billion people on this earth! Goodness forbid a few of us actively and logically choose to abstain from child rearing. My conservative catholic family members also believe not reproducing means a woman is selfish and lazy. Of course it can't have anything to do with the motherhood gap in wages and career, the fact childrearing has become unaffordable for many, the fact that millenials are taking longer to establish ourselves than the past generations, etc. No, it cannot POSSIBLY be a logical and sound decision we've made for ourselves. Intellectually lazy dolts.


How awful! Poor daughter.


My parents grandchildren are in my nether region and going to stay their. I don't need children to complete my life.

freedom41 Level 9 Aug 12, 2018

Exactly. People are whole and complete WITHOUT pooping out sex trophies.


Well, that is upsetting. I know it is a source of pain for my mother that I have such a negative opinion of having children, but she's not nearly rude enough to be rude to me about it. She certainly isn't rude enough to 'yell' about it to the rest of the world.

synergy Level 6 Aug 12, 2018
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